Including 6 closely related terms such as climate, climate change, and future climate.
… 1 This document was classified as: OFFICIAL Climate Change Action Plan In July 2019 Darlington Borough Council declared a climate emergency, recognising that urgent action is needed to ensure a safe and prosperous future for us all. A high level strategy was produced and published in July 2020, setting out the challenge…
… knowledge, needs feasibility Potential capacity issues March 2022 Resources Fi6 Explore legal and practically of building in environmental goals into relevant procurement and if not achieved supplier to pay a climate rebate which can be retained to fund future climate change actions Procurement Feasibility study complete Minimal knowledge, needs feasibility Potential…
… levels. At present our emissions are below this trajectory, however, the Climate Change Strategy sets out the current scope of our ambition and explains that there are a number of areas where we currently do not have sufficient data to include emissions in our target, although we aim to include them. As the data becomes more comprehensive, our reported emissions will inevitably rise…
… to offset our emissions. We will make every effort to reduce this gap, but there will inevitably be some residual emissions that we will not be able to remove completely. The plan below includes an action to develop our offsetting strategy. The Climate Change Strategy and this Plan build on achievements already realised by our teams, including upgrades to streetlights and lighting in council…
… buildings. However, there is still much to do if we are to reach our targets and every new project will need to understand the capital and revenue implications of achieving net carbon zero. This includes understanding that carbon savings may occur over time and the future cost of not taking action now. We are including adaptation actions to ensure that we are resilient to the climate change…