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Search results for "climate change"

Including 6 closely related terms such as climate, climate change, and climate action.

1 result

Cheltenham Borough Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… to encourage this through apprenticeships and education programmes that build on existing relationships. This is an elegant gem of a destination that oozes cultured charm Harriet O'Brien, Daily Telegraph 27 27 Climate Action Fund A significant barrier to climate change mitigation is often the availability of resources to invest. While there are many grants and funds…

… for low-carbon living • Lead by Example, a programme of demonstration projects to help break down barriers to the adoption of zero carbon solutions • A Climate Action Fund to finance the road to zero carbon 3 3 • Cheltenham Green Deal, broadening access to carbon reduction initiatives to communities that cannot afford the high capital expenses • Community engagement…

… promoting zero emission mobility • Return to Regency, a competition for developers to demonstrate leadership and innovation to build carbon positive communities In addition to the benefits that achieving zero carbon will have on climate change, a well-managed carbon neutral programme will also offer substantial positive effects on a wide range of other issues, including fuel poverty, air…

… the level of readiness for emerging technologies, particularly in low carbon heat. However, the availability of the Climate Action Fund and already identified funding streams will mean that the programme is capable of being managed in a very cost effective manner. The programme will be monitored annually with interim milestones, ensuring that the Council and Borough targets remain on track…

… is a cultural centre, attracting over 250,000 people to Cheltenham Festivals each year and 65,000 a day to Cheltenham Gold Cup festival. It is a centre for enterprise, with over 72,000 jobs in industries ranging from electronics to fast fashion. Part of this vision is a desire to lead in environmental stewardship, particularly in reducing the Borough’s impacts on climate change. Although…


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