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Search results for "climate change"

Including 6 closely related terms such as climate, climate impact, and climate impact.

1 result

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Revenue Recruitment underway for Principal Climate Change Officer (closing date end October, timing assumes notice period). Ov1.3 Green investment team - see Ov6. Apr-22 D&S Revenue Capacity to be developed as part of Action Ov6.1 Ov1.4 Prepare the Climate action plan Oct-21 D&S This schedule sets out initial actions for the Combined Authority. The Climate Working Group to convene…

climate impact assesment training Nov-21 D&S/HR 10 0 0 0 Revenue Assumes @£100 course accreditation Ov3 The CPCA's own operations should be net zero by 2030, underpinned by regional SBTi- type action plan Ov3.1 Revise policies as set out in Ov2 Oct-21 Governance Need to market test with SME suppliers Ov3.7 Accommodation Strategy ? HR Includes new ways of working policy Ov3.8 Set out SBTi…

… The CPCA to lead a plan for engagement with local people and businesses. Ov5.1 Initial engagement to link with COP26 Sep-21 Comms Shared Comms activity underway on awareness raising as part of COP26. The CPCA to introduce a formal Climate Change assessment for its decisions, including procurement Recommendations as they apply to the CPCA operations (i.e. where the CPCA has a convening…

… role, policy or financial lever) The CPCA to create a climate cabinet, funded delivery team, green investment team, a climate action plan, and establish an independent monitor Resources (£000's) ACTION PLAN FOR COMBINED AUTHORITY'S OPERATIONS OVERARCHING Appendix 1 Ov5.2 Convene shared Comms activity across the constituent Councils to make efficient use of collateral Oct-21 Comms…

… Decarbonisation project aimed at Care Homes, to address future overheating and climate impacts. Ov9.3 Net Zero Villages Fund Apr-22 D&S / B&S 1000 Capital Bidding fund aimed at parish councils to support decarbonisation initiatives T1 CPCA to lead the development of a plan for the rollout of electric vehicle recharging infrastructure T1.1 LTCP to include rollout plan for EV charging…


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