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Search results for "climate change"

Including 6 closely related terms such as climate, climate change, and tackle climate.

1 result

Cardiff Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Emissions t CO2e Scope 1 Large City Wide Emissions t CO2e Large Scope 2 Medium Medium Large Medium Scope 3 Scope 1 and 2 2977 9046 2546 Large 12 13 How we use and generate energy is fundamental to tackling climate change. By using energy more efficiently we can significantly reduce demand, whilst at the same time powering up renewable energy generation to replace…

… economic development plans. We need to deliver sustainable new development, but how we manage and use our existing buildings is one of the biggest areas of impact that can be practically addressed to tackle climate change. Energy One Planet Built Environment One Planet Waste One Planet Transport One Planet Waste One Planet Water One Planet One Planet Built Environment Cardiff…

… Curriculum for Wales across Cardiff to support pupils explore the issues of sustainability, climate change and energy choices. Retrofit Existing Buildings and upgrade Infrastructure Move away from a reliance on gas fossil fuel for heating in public and domestic buildings  Low Carbon New Buildings City - We’ll work with partners to catalyse change across the city including: We will accelerate…

… around our themes has given rise to the first tranche of quantified and modelled capital projects to contribute to our climate change action. One Planet Action Plan will • Set out annually an update, review and plan for decarbonisation and climate change mitigation projects that are underway, in development and planned. • Communicate progress towards carbon neutral emission reduction…

… to demonstrate our progress and activities around climate change mitigation and adaptation. CDP has been adopted by the Cardiff Capital Region as a framework to monitor and evaluate the region’s performance against its decarbonization strategy. Annual Monitoring and Evaluation We also plan to build on our current annual report to the Carbon Disclosure Project to report annually the progress our…


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