Including 8 closely related terms such as national climate change, climate change, and climate.
…. They address: emission reductions from sources such as buildings and waste; air pollutant sequestration, absorption, or screening; and managing flood risk. The ‘Governance’ section sets out how we manage the strategy to ensure continual improvement – taking advantage of future developments as they arise to improve delivery. Tackling climate change and poor air quality presents significant opportunities…
… recognise the complex and interconnected nature of activities that impact climate change and air quality and have reflected this in our development approach by engaging widely. This document has been developed by staff from across the council and with input from a wide range of specialisms. We have engaged with community groups, councillors, community boards and the Transport, Environment and Climate…
… mitigate climate change and poor air quality – trees absorb/screen air pollutants and sequester carbon, but also absorb water, slow the flow and reduce the amount of water going to the ground (as their leaves intercept raindrops and water evaporates from the leaves); and their roots bind the soil preventing it from being washed away and allow for better penetration of the water through the soil…
… blue and green infrastructure measures in the actions which refer to any initiatives involving water (blue) or plants (green) and these can generally be considered as both mitigation and adaptation measures. 8 9 Policy and Regulatory Context The Climate Change Act 2008 is the principle UK legislation which sets the UK’s national climate change target. The Act was amended in 2019…
… environment and resources, including improving air quality and tackling climate change. This policy is supported by DEFRA’s Clean Growth Strategy, and its sister document the 25-year Environment Plan. The first is a plan for continuing to decarbonise the UK economy throughout the 2020s, whilst the second is a long term plan for nature’s recovery and health. These are complimented by the Road to Zero…