Including 6 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and tackle climate.
… to Zero Plan XX Ashford to Zero Plan Our route to net zero carbon emissions Consultation draft 2021 03 Contents Foreword Climate change, caused by increased greenhouse gas emissions, is having a devastating impact on our planet. Without decisive action to reduce emissions, we are likely to experience an increase in damaging weather events and accelerated loss of habitats…
… waste and continue high levels of recycling Headline actions for each of the priorities are set out in the following sections, together with key facts and a summary of what we are already doing. The Kent and Medway Emissions Pathway report identified a total of 681 ktCO2e for Ashford There are many wider benefits associated with tackling climate change: Improved health and wellbeing through…
… platforms with information on climate change 3. Percentage of residents survey returned with positive action to tackle climate change responses Create new website page and content, making sure to use KCC and other local authorities’ content Use residents survey results and other internal data such as active travel monitoring to inform comms plan. Explore research by other partners to gain…
… insight to influence behavioural change, such as Keep Britain Tidy 1.2 Increase staff skills and knowledge Continue roll out of Sustainability Friends training and investigate other training opportunities to increase knowledge and skills Increased staff confidence to implement carbon neutral actions and challenge where decisions are not contributing to tackling climate change 1…
… carbon emissions across the borough. Everyone can play a part in tackling climate change - be that by making personal changes in the way we live or looking at how we work, or as a business or organisation thinking about our products, services and processes and how to reduce their environmental footprint. We are interested to know your views and what you are already doing or would like to do…