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Search results for "climate change"

Including 10 closely related terms such as global warming, climate, and climate change.

1 result

Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (DOCX)

global warming/climate change. The total emissions from the scope we have defined is 10,077 Tonnes. Activity Emissions (tCO2e) Scope 1 Gas 3,180 Scope 1 Oil 0 Scope 1 Diesel 144 Scope 2 Electricity 4,451 Scope 3 Business Travel 351 Scope 3 Staff Commute 1,988…

… developments. This will have a high impact and be implemented in Phase 1-3. · Approaching the climate emergency with a long-term mindset, exploring ‘spend to save’ methods of climate action. This will have a high impact and be implemented in Phase 1-3. · Exploring options for local offset via climate adaptation programmers and local landscape enhancement. This will have a medium impact and be implemented…

… to take action and buy into the approach being taken by the Council. This will have a medium impact and be implemented in Phase 1. Mobilisation We will prepare and organize our workforce to support climate change action We will take local action by · Developing and deliver training & awareness raising for staff at all levels, to encourage low carbon and adaptation measures…

… Sefton’s Climate Change Emergency Implementation Plan Introduction This document sets out Sefton Council’s delivery of the commitment made within our climate strategy “Sefton’s Climate Change Emergency Plan”. Sefton Council joins over 60% of UK local authorities in declaring a climate emergency…

… and a growing consensus worldwide that urgent action is needed.  We will look at both the challenges and opportunities and engage with our communities to ensure we undertake actions to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change now and into the future.   This work will be aligned to the delivery of the Sefton 2030 Vision and the Council’s Core Purpose with the aim of making Sefton a great place…


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