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Search results for "climate change"

Including 8 closely related terms such as new climate change, climate, and climate change.

1 result

Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council

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… are working with residents, businesses, charities and government to make changes and provide support to work towards a Zero Carbon Gateshead. At the council we are: auditing our current activities to allow us to have a new Climate Change and Environment strategy and action plan in place by Autumn 2020 reviewing our supply chain and procurement contracts to be more green We know we can't make…

… collection Bins and recycling Street care and cleaning Environmental protection Animal health Flooding Climate Change Tree management and maintenance…

… and waste Climate Change Climate change in Gateshead What Gateshead Council is doing We are committed to being carbon neutral by 2030 Since we started working towards being carbon neutral in 2010, our measured carbon emissions have reduced by 55%, exceeding the planned target…

change (PDF) [174KB] (opens new window) View a summary of the results from our 2020 Climate Change Survey (PDF) [410KB] (opens new window) In 2020, we achieved a silver level accreditation by Investors in the Environment with a score of 70%. In 2021 we achieved an improved score of 75%. Read our Silver Level audit report  (PDF) [435KB…

…. In response to the Climate Emergency (PDF) [31KB]  declared in 2019, we are committed to: making our activities carbon neutral by 2030 achieving 100% clean energy across our full range of functions by 2030 ensuring that all strategic decision, budgets and approaches to planning decisions are in line with a shift to zero carbon by 2030 supporting and working with all relevant bodies towards…


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