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Search results for "climate change"

Including 5 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and tackle climate.

1 result

Plymouth City Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

… and also, how it will lead the way on tackling carbon emissions by: Getting its own house in order by reducing the emissions from its estate and operations to work towards net zero emissions by 2030. Using its influence and role as a community leader to work with partners, businesses and communities to tackle climate change through a common framework for action. Revising and updating this plan…

… each year until 2030. What can you do to help? Technological advances, behaviour changes, societal norms and our understanding of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions will change between now and 2030. An annual review of the City Council's emissions and future projections will therefore be undertaken to ensure the plan remains up to date and fit for purpose. For the City Council…

…, as together we can make a difference. What you do, what you decide and approve, can and will influence energy consumption. We will continue to work with the City Council's Green Champions to develop further actions to address climate change. If you think there is more you can do to help please contact us at…

… Breadcrumb Home Environment and pollution Climate emergency Previous climate and corporate action plans Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan 2021 Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan 2021…


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