Including 4 closely related terms such as climate, climate change, and change.
…, we worked with residents through our first Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change during February 2020, which addressed how the council and residents could work together to achieve the 2050 carbon zero goal. Many positive ideas came forward, incorporated into our action plan, and this year we reported back to participants on our progress. In addition, the Council’s Air Quality Action Plan…
…, climate change is also a factor. In particular, the high levels of emissions from cars which significantly contributes to poor air quality in the borough and impacts life expectancy. Asthma hospital admissions in Newham for children under 19 in 2019/20 were 196.6 per 100,000 compared to 158.3 in England. We will continue to implement our plans and work with residents to improve health outcomes…
… and tackle health inequalities linked to climate change. More broadly this links to other actions within this strategy, including tackling poor air quality, addressing fuel poverty and ensuring our residents live in quality homes which all impact health and well-being. ACTION OVER THE LAST YEAR: There are clear links between poor air quality, respiratory health, and other long-term ill health…
… actions also contribute to the reduction of childhood obesity. TACKLING FOOD INSECURITY AND ENCOURAGING FOOD HABITS THAT ARE GOOD FOR PEOPLE’S HEALTH AND THE PLANET Food production and processing is a major driver of climate change. Meat-heavy diets produce almost twice as much CO2 as a diet based primarily on plant-based food. As a society, we cannot tackle the climate emergency without making…
… impact of dealing with wasted food. There is an additional cost to the planet because food production, packaging and transportation, all produce carbon emissions which contribute to climate change. Analysis by the Council reveals that half of what goes into Newham’s bins is wasted food and more than half of this could have been avoided. If residents waiste less food, it will cut both…