Including 5 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and report climate.
… Report for: Cabinet Date of meeting: 23 June 2020 Part: 1 If Part II, reason: Title of report: Climate Change Emergency Strategy and Action Plan Contact: Councillor Andrew Williams, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Climate Emergency Author/Responsible Officer – Mark Gaynor, Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration Purpose of report: The purpose of this report is to set out the feedback from…
…: The Association for Public Service Excellence Bill Buckley Interim Assistant Director Neighbourhood Delivery Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3/6/20 Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16/6/20 Background papers: Cabinet Report Climate Change Emergency Strategy and Action plan 19/5/20 Glossary of acronyms and any other abbreviations used…
… was wide reaching and the importance of community engagement and involvement was stressed. For ease of reference, the original report is set out below together with Appendix 4, which is referred to in the recommendations. Page 6 Report for: Cabinet Date of meeting: 19 May 2020 Part: 1 If Part II, reason: Title of report: Climate Change Emergency Strategy and Action Plan Contact: Councillor…
… the Climate Change Officer, included a £300K reserve in the 2020/21 budget which can be used to fund the £75k budget within the recommendation of this report, as well to assist feasibility and any projects that become ready to go during the year. In addition, climate change will be a fundamental consideration within future service plans with the financial implications reflected in future iterations…
… could involve the local community in due course Page 21 Theme: Service Delivery – Environment Action Start Finish Service(s) Constraints Comment Create more woodland and plant an ambitious number of trees – ensure species chosen are suitable for biodiversity as well as mitigating climate change. (Roll out of planting 4200 trees over next 5 years in parks across the Borough…