Including 9 closely related terms such as global warming, key climate change, and climate.
… for policy making Continue to collaborate with the Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange (CUSPE) programme to identify key climate change and environmental challenges for young researchers to provide evidence to inform policy making √ √ √ Review outcomes from Citizen Assemblies and consultations run by the County, GCP, CPCA and Local Authority partners on issues relating to climate…
… for Cambridgeshire based on 2018 baseline MITIGATION: Waste management Waste Management MITIGATION: Afforestation and Land Use, Energy efficient, low carbon buildings NATURAL CAPITAL: Green spaces, habitats and land management Farm tenants TARGET 5: 100% of Council strategies include policies that tackle Climate Change and natural capital enhancement by 2023 0 3 C O U N C IL P O L IC Y…
…. √ √ √ Signpost communities to funding opportunities to support climate change action e.g. National Lottery climate change fund √ √ – MITIGATION: All, NATURAL CAPITAL: Green spaces, habitats and land management Farming Collaborate with the National Farmer's Union and others (e.g. agri-tech industry) on ideas and opportunities for carbon, fertiliser and pesticide reductions √ – √ MITIGATION: Peatland…
… CCC Climate Change and Environment Strategy - Action Plan Level of control Related Priority Area Action Area Action Mitigation Adaptation Natural Capital Continue to purchase 100% green electricity for all buildings and street lighting under County Council control. √ – – Reduce the use of the electricity Transmission…
… leakage, and replacement of air conditioning equipment with newer models that use gases with lower global warming potential and have lower leakage rates √ – – Ensure all new buildings, extensions and retrofits are designed to incorporate measures to boost resilience to severe weather such as investing in new heat resistant /reflective materials, measures to enable staff to cope with extreme heat…