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Search results for "climate change"

Including 6 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and tackle climate.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

actions were delivered in 2020. 14. This team works alongside dedicated officers across the Council who are taking forward climate change actions. This includes the Energy and Sustainability Coordinator in Property Services, the Transport Strategy Team and the Planning Policy and Design Team. This capacity remains for 2021 and has enabled the Council to keep up its momentum on delivering…

… Environment and Sustainability Strategy (WESS) Action Plan Update Page 4 of 19 (Paper No. 21-61) Official the virus and deal with the changes that have taken place to the everyone’s way of life. 12. Throughout 2020 the Council has, however, maintained its focus on tackling climate change. Some of the key achievements in 2020 are set out below, and more details on the actions delivered…

… are contained in Appendix A. Becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030 13. In 2020 four new members of staff were recruited who are dedicated to taking climate change action forward. These are two Climate Change Policy and Programme Leads, a Climate Change Communications Officer and a Climate Change Engagement Lead. The Council now has a core, dedicated, Climate Change Team managed…

… by the Policy and Review Manager, who is also dedicating 50% of his time to climate change work. This additional resource has given the organisation capacity to drive forward actions and was instrumental in the delivery of the Climate Summit. Whilst colleagues in the wider Policy, Performance and Analytics Division were seconded to COVID-19 related work this team was ringfenced to ensure that climate

… in November 2020, which attracted more than 650 residents across 13 events. The aim of this event was to raise awareness of climate change amongst residents and encourage and inspire them to make changes to help the borough tackle climate change. The Climate Summit included high profile national and London groups such as Carbon Trust and London Waste and Recycling Board, as well as a host of local…


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