Including 7 closely related terms such as climate, climate change, and tackle climate.
… trees planted in the project can be sourced locally� Review the Council’s Parks and Green Spaces Strategy, exploring opportunities to tackle climate change and to safeguard and enhance existing habitats and species� Data and consultation will be used to inform the strategy� April 2021 – April 2022 Approval of revised strategy� Improve the ecological and amenity value of the riverside…
… - September 2021 Raise awareness of existing community groups that are acting to produce positive environmental change, Continue to support the project team to help protect the AONB site for future generations of people/wildlife� Council helps Eco Festival to be run with event engaging many residents around climate change and the environment� Provide opportunities for residents to participate…
… with small group of staff and then rolled out more widely to increase staff environmental awareness� Embed consideration of the environment and climate change within internal communications to promote awareness and behaviour change of environmental issues and the climate challenge� Develop an internal comms strategy to plan out how to inform staff of environmental work and projects� Run…
… be achieved? Collaborate with the University of Essex to ensure actions we develop are informed by academic expertise (where appropriate)� Take part in a university ‘challenge lab’ to co-develop with researchers, solutions to a particular climate challenge in Colchester� Build rapport with researchers on existing Council projects, and understand the expertise available at the University…
…� September 2021 – December 2021 Ongoing action 1 challenge lab completed, with solutions developed to tackle a climate challenge in the borough Continue work with the University of Essex to inform design/operation of our projects and actions and share best practice/knowledge� Work with anchor/key organisations in the borough to promote the uptake of sustainable actions across the borough…