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Search results for "climate change"

Including 8 closely related terms such as global warming, climate change, and climate.

1 result

Cambridge City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… that, in order to achieve net zero carbon by 2050, the UK reduce its carbon emissions by 68% by 2030 and 78% by 2035 (from 1990 levels)17. As part of the development of this new Climate 15 See: 16 UK Climate Change Committee, 2019, Net Zero: The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming 17 UK Climate Change Committee, 2020, the Sixth Carbon…

…-since-2002-met-office 3 UNFCC, 2015, Paris Agreement, Article 2, p2 4 UK Climate Change Committee. 2019, Net Zero: The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming p13 5 Climate UK, A Summary of Climate Change Risks for East England: to coincide with the publication of the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA), 2012 result of sea levels rising, and health impacts such as increasing prevalence…

… and consumes, and how, and Cambridge City Council is conscious of the role it can play in this global effort. The Council is clear that this should be a just transition to a zero carbon world, ensuring that those most vulnerable and at risk from climate change are engaged and supported. Climate change has been a key priority for the Council for at least fifteen years, since signing the Nottingham…

… Declaration on Climate Change in 2006, and over this period we have delivered a wide range of projects and activities to help reduce carbon emissions. This strategy sets out the Council’s revised and updated approach for the Council’s work over the next 5 years to help mitigate climate change and build local resilience in Cambridge to the impacts of climate change. We have taken a thorough…

Change Strategy 2021-2026 page 8 Introduction Evidence of climate change The scientific evidence that the Earth’s climate is changing as a direct result of human activity is clear and incontrovertible. Average global temperatures reached 1 degree above pre- industrial (1850) levels for the first time in 2015. Temperatures have been rising most rapidly since the millennium, with the UN’s World…


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