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Search results for "climate change"

Including 14 closely related terms such as changing, global climate, and climate change.

1 result

Aberdeen City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… scheme. But alongside work taking place to reduce emissions, there is a need to take action to prepare for inevitable changes in climate. This is called adaptation. Aberdeen Adapts will sit alongside Powering Aberdeen, the city’s Sustainable Energy Action Plan, to deliver a city-wide climate change programme. We need to adapt… The global climate is changing and this is expected…

… Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework ABERDEEN ADAPTS Building resilience and adapting to the changing climate Aberdeen’s Climate Adaptation Framework Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Contents Executive summary Introduction o…

…. POWERING ABERDEEN reducing greenhouse gas emissions ABERDEEN ADAPTS responding to the impacts of climate change Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Introduction From wetter weather to warmer temperatures the climate is changing2 and this will bring considerable new challenges for Aberdeen. This means our city will need to get ready, adjusting to the impacts and making…

… the most of new opportunities. Taking urgent climate action is one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Appendix 2) 3 and cities around the globe are taking active steps to adapt to climate change. In doing so, they are delivering long term solutions that protect people and places, as well as sustain innovation and growth. From coastal flood measures in New York, to greening of buildings…

… and communities keen to work together to adapt to climate change. Their input was vital to the development of this framework. Consultation gathered information on local priorities, the key climate challenges affecting various city sectors and adaption approaches for Aberdeen. In addition: • 5 stakeholder workshops, as well as events and publications were used to build understanding and exchange…


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