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Search results for "climate change"

Including 9 closely related terms such as global warming, climate, and climate change.

1 result

Winchester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… in emissions per employee of 10.7% since the first recording. However, in October 2018 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, stated that,“global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C (above pre-industrial levels between 2030 and 2052) if it continues at its current rate.” It also stated, that warming could be halted should emissions reach and be sustained at "net zero global…

…..............16 ACTION PLAN..................................................................19 ‘The climate crisis is the biggest challenge all of us face in the coming years and decades. Winchester must play its part in tackling the crisis and hand our district to our children and grandchildren in a better state than it is now.’ WINCHESTER CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL PLAN 2020-2025 Approved…

… on carbon reduction and in 2014 approved a comprehensive route map to a low carbon economy in Winchester district. A Low Carbon Board was established with representatives from the council, the University of Winchester, Winchester Action on Climate Change (WinACC) and Winchester Walking Group. Over the past ten years the council’s own carbon emissions have reduced by 23.6% with a decrease…

… anthropogenic CO2 emissions". The predicted consequence of climate change is that there will be increased extreme weather events, and in many areas this is already being seen: • Flooding – damage to property, disruption to business, health and wellbeing of displaced residents; • Heat and cold – health risk for vulnerable people, pressure on emergency and health services; • Drought – pressure…

… PLAN This Action Plan will focus on how the council aims to achieve carbon neutrality and; • Actions it will take to reduce/eliminate or offset its own carbon emissions. • Actions it can take to support and help others; individuals, businesses, agencies and organisations, to take action so that the district becomes carbon neutral. • Actions that promote climate resilience including…


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