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Search results for "climate change"

Including 9 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and term climate.

1 result

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… dedicated resource. a) Formalised internal governance structure with the establishment of an internal Climate Action Taskforce meeting every 4 weeks with regular online communication via ‘office teams’. All Place & Environment (Must be cross directorate & include representation from members) Climate Change Programme Manager (CCPM) SHORT b) Prepare business case for fixed term Climate

… be used to help achieve Council’s Climate Change Strategy Internal Focus Resources & Transformation Procurement MEDIUM 1.7 As part of a longer term vision of a net zero carbon borough, to encourage environmental education and promote climate action amongst communities, schools and businesses. a) Engage with residents, community groups and schools to promote environmental education…

… and help deliver a carbon free future: 1. Strategy (Taking the Lead) 2. Energy 3. Waste & Consumption 4. Transport 5. Nature 6. Resilience & Adaptation 2.4 This report gives an overview of the plan with an outline of activity in Appendix 1. To deliver the programme of work resource will be required and a business case will be created to integrate a fixed term Climate Change

…. Recommendations 3.1 That Cabinet note the contents of this report and the steps being taken to respond to the Climate Emergency Declaration. 3.2 That Cabinet endorses the approach set out in the report for the development of the action plan and reporting. 3.3 That Cabinet notes the governance structure set out in the report to integrate a fixed term Climate Change Officer into the Clean…

… a commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions no later than 2041 publishing “WM2041 – A Programme for Implementing an Environmental Recovery." The Council continues to play a key role working alongside regional partners to tackle climate change and is operating within the framework established by the UK Parliament. 4.3 The Council is now developing a climate emergency action plan to address…


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