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Search results for "climate change"

Including 5 closely related terms such as climate, climate change, and tackling climate.

1 result

Sunderland City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to the World Meteorological Organization. It is a global issue in relation to which every person, every organisation and every place has a role to play. Sunderland is committed to playing its part in tackling the global climate change emergency. In March 2019, Sunderland City Council acknowledged the scale of this challenge by declaring a Climate Emergency at Full Council, recognising…

… emit 1,436,600 tons of CO2 annually (based on 2017 Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy data). We all need to act urgently to reduce our carbon emissions to help in the global fight to limit global temperature rise to below 1.5°C. Partnership Approach - 2030 Shadow Board Tackling Climate Change is too great a task for any one body/organisation. Partners need to come…

… on the Council. The 2030 Shadow Board’s purpose is to work collectively to drive forward Sunderland’s ambitions and commitment to tackling climate change and the 2030 Shadow Board has shaped the development of the Sunderland Low Carbon Framework. Sunderland Low Carbon Framework The 2030 Shadow Board recognises that reducing carbon emissions cannot be linear and requires close co-operation across…

… Layout 1 Low Carbon Action Plan Introduction Background Climate change represents a significant challenge for our generation. Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history and the trend is accelerating. 2019 was the second warmest year on record, according…

… the immediate action required, and agreed to the following motion: “In recognition of the threat posed to our environment by climate change Sunderland City Council will declare a climate emergency. Numerous local authorities around the country have declared climate emergency and it is important for the council to show it takes the issue seriously. Recent weather and changes in ecosystems show…


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