Including 7 closely related terms such as changing, climate, and climate change.
… PAGE 1 l STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL l THE 2030 STRATEGY MASTER PLAN Spring 2021 Limiting, Adapting, Recovering and Responding in a Changing Climate Stroud District Council THE 2030 STRATEGY MASTER PLAN Spring 2021 If you need to talk to us in relation to 2030 Strategy and Master Plan you can e-mail the team at: CN2030…
… Alternatively contact our customer services team by telephone on 01453 766 321 CONTACT US PAGE 3 l STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL l THE 2030 STRATEGY MASTER PLAN Climate Change is the greatest long-term threat to our society. The 2020, Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare the intricacies of our global economies and social infrastructures. The pandemic has also shown the powerful potential…
…. Sir David Attenborough “If we don’t take climate action, the collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.” Stroud District Council are pledged to do everything within the council’s power to make Stroud District carbon neutral by 2030. Stroud District Council: Climate Emergency motion carried, 24th January 2019. INTRODUCTION TH EM ES…
… IN TR O D U C TIO N N EX T STEPS PAGE 4 l STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL l THE 2030 STRATEGY MASTER PLAN This document details an approach to help limit the global effects of climate change by becoming a carbon neutral district by 2030. Many of the greenhouse gas emissions within the district are not within the direct control of Stroud District Council. There are lots of things that we…
… within and outside the District Council. This has included participation in the Climate Action Network Forum, Local Strategic Partnership and in the Gloucestershire Energy Sector Group to name a few. Support from Stroud District Youth Council has also been greatly appreciated and we thank them for their contribution and ongoing collaboration for our 2030 mission. 4 drawing upon the evidence…