Including 6 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and climate science.
… strategies, plans and shared resources by developing a series of meetings, events and partner workshops. Ensure that the Council and partners take steps to proactively include young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future. Set up a Climate Change Partnership Group, involving Councillors, residents, young citizens, climate science and solutions experts…
…, the Growth, Infrastructure and Resources Scrutiny Committee unanimously agreed to recommend to Council that a Task and Finish Group should be formed to review and develop the Council’s Biodiversity Strategy 2.2 The Strategy will be one of a suite of strategies under the Council’s Environmental Strategy as part of the Council’s approach on Climate Change. 9 Agenda Item 12 file…
…. 9. Officer Support The Group will be assisted by Mark Loran, Senior Environmental Manager and Joanna Morley, Governance Officer. 14 Climate Change Action Motion Rutland County Council notes: That the impacts of climate change are already causing serious damage around the world. That we need to develop measures and set targets to contribute to the challenge of keeping global…
… in 'Climate Change' motions. Rutland County Council therefore commits to: Take action to deal with ‘Climate Change’ to make sure that the Council’s activities achieve net-zero carbon before 2050. Call on the UK Government to provide the powers, resources and help with funding to make this possible, and ask our local MP to do likewise. Ensure that all strategic decisions, budgets…
… of climate change and the environment when reviewing Council policies and strategies; Achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s full range of functions by 2050 or earlier. 15 Agenda Item 14 Climate Change Action Motion Support, influence and inspire partners and relevant agencies across the region to help make the entire area zero carbon within this timescale through all relevant…