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Search results for "climate change"

Including 4 closely related terms such as climate, climate change, and change.

1 result

North West Leicestershire District Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… Grid (Future Energy Scenarios, July 2019) “Delivery of greenhouse gas reductions must progress with far greater urgency.” Committee on Climate Change (Net Zero Report, May 2019 “It is still not too late to act. It will take a far-reaching vision, it will take courage, it will take fierce, fierce determination to act now, to lay the foundations where we may not know all the details…

…) NWLDC Zero Carbon Roadmap Executive Summary 2 Why we must act The science is clear: our climate is changing and urgent efforts are required to accelerate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. In June 2019, the UK committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and North West Leicestershire District Council has declared a climate emergency. Society has…


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