Including 4 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and mate change.
… is carbon management important to LCC? Climate Change Act: LCC believes that our activities shall align to the 80% emissions reduction target by 2050 and any future international/national commitments Leadership: Implementing this plan will demonstrate that LCC is committed to an innovative and creative approach to reducing carbon emissions and adapting to climate change Cost savings: Implementing…
…-2023 Our vision is to maintain a leading role in local efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change. To achieve this aim we have set a target that is challenging, yet realistic. Saving 5,736 tCO2 over 5 years. 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 C O 2 e E m is s io n s ( to n n e s ) Comparison of Emissions with predicted…
… Business As Usual (BAU) increase and reduction targets BAU 20% reduction We will reduce the carbon emissions from our activities by 20% by 2023, from a 2016/17 baseline of 28,679 tonnes CO2e. TARGET FOR 2023 6 Why reach this target? Cost savings Raised awareness of climate change amongst staff, stakeholders and the public Positive community…