Including 8 closely related terms such as global warming, ongoing climate change, and climate.
… proposed approach for tackling climate change. This is a vital strategic task which will ensure the Council has a robust plan for reducing emissions from the Council’s own land, buildings, fleet and assets. What is Climate Change? Climate change refers to the impact on the climate of too many greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, causing accelerated global warming. This is a result of many…
… carbon neutral by 2030. This resolution confirmed the Council’s continued commitment to achieving a reduction in carbon emissions from its own activities and delivering the aims of the Building A Better Ipswich 2017 Corporate Plan. This document will act as the starting point for the development of an ongoing Climate Change Strategy for Ipswich Borough Council and focusses on the Council’s…
… in. Governance The overall strategy will be overseen by an Environment and Climate Change Working Group. This will act as the main Programme Board for ensuring activities across the organisation contribute to the reduction in emissions required. The Environment and Climate Change Working Group and the Council’s Executive committee will receive regular updates on progress with the Action Plan. We…
… 2020 – 2030 Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan Carbon Neutrality by 2030 2020 – 2030 Strategy 2 | P a g e Introduction On 9th July 2019, the Council’s Executive Committee declared a Climate Emergency and resolved to start working towards becoming…
… and businesses to halt carbon emissions and remove the greenhouse gases from the atmosphere to prevent unsustainable global warming resulting in catastrophic sea level rising and increased intensity and frequency of natural disasters. The Council’s Commitment By 2030 our own operations will be cleaner, more efficient and net zero-carbon, whilst also taking a role in enabling the wider…