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Search results for "climate change"

Including 11 closely related terms such as global warming, changing, and change climate.

1 result

Falkirk Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e) The unit of measurement used to compare the relative climate impact of the different greenhouse gases. The CO2e quantity of any greenhouse gas is the amount of carbon dioxide that would produce the equivalent global warming potential. Carbon Footprint A carbon footprint is the sum of all emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide), which were produced by an individual…

… - Funding Details of CMP#3 Projects Appendix K – Terms of Reference for Corporate Sustainability Working Group 2 Carbon Glossary Climate Change Climate change is a large-scale, long-term shift in the planet's weather patterns or average temperatures. Carbon Reduction & Adaptation Climate change has 2 main elements – (a) How the changing climate impacts on us and how we cope…

… and will incorporate such decisions when approved. A full list of projects is included in Appendix A. They range from outline ideas, through to those confirmed and underway. The projects, their costs and potential savings change constantly, reflecting a wide range of social, economic, financial, operational and legal factors. 1.6 DRIVERS FOR CARBON REDUCTION Legal – Under the Climate Change (Scotland…

… this. Financial – The costs associated with CO2 emissions have risen from £5.9m to £10.3m 4 over the last 8 years, therefore, urgent action is needed to stabilise and then reduce consumption of resources and the consequent rising pressure on Council budgets from escalating energy and fuel costs. Reputational – in 2007, Falkirk Council signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration where it pledged…

… to lead its community by example by taking concerted action on climate change, reporting publicly on progress. Further details of legal drivers and incentives can be found in Appendix E 4 Ref. Figure 27, Appendix F 8 2. TARGETS, BASELINE, FOOTPRINT & SCOPE This section sets out what the Council’s carbon…


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