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Search results for "climate change"

Including 8 closely related terms such as national climate change, climate change, and climate.

1 result

Angus Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… prepared Angus Council was to meet national climate change targets and identified strengths and areas for improvement. Recommendations included production of an Angus Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan, ensuring that climate change is embedded in the Corporate Risk Register, strengthening sustainable procurement, finalising the new draft Carbon Management Plan and exploring the fleet…

… Angus Council - 5 November 2020 - Report No 271/20 - Public Bodies' Climate Change Duties: Angus Council Annual Report AGENDA ITEM NO 13 REPORT NO 271/20 ANGUS COUNCIL ANGUS COUNCIL – 5 NOVEMBER 2020 PUBLIC BODIESCLIMATE CHANGE DUTIES: ANGUS COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT REPORT BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITIES…

… includes an outline of how the Climate Change Member Officer Group and three supporting working groups operate. It also contains a comprehensive list of policy documents and action plans further showing how Services and officers are working to embed climate change consideration across the board. Also covered are findings of a corporate self- assessment carried out in June 2019 which examined how…

… ABSTRACT This report relates to the period 2019/20, giving an overview of Angus Council’s compliance with its climate change duties, with measures to improve performance relating to sustainability and climate change. 1. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Committee: (i) approves the contents of this report in accordance with the Climate Change (Duties of Public Bodies: Reporting…

… Requirements) Scotland) Order 2015; (ii) agrees the content of the report for submission to the Scottish Government and notes the progress that the Council has made in embedding climate change and sustainability into its policy and operations. (iii) Approves the annual production of a Public Bodies Duty Report summary report to be housed on the Angus Council website and used for wider…


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