Including 5 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and tackling climate.
… zero by 2045. Government consultation on the Role of Public Bodies in tackling Climate Change indicates the public sector should be more ambitious in setting their own targets. We will be an exemplar for net zero and climate resilience, developing a comprehensive Energy and Climate Plan in year 2020/21. It will set: our year for zero direct climate emissions; targets to reduce our indirect…
… climate emissions; and our measures to manage the climate risks to our estate and operations. 2 Scotland’s Climate Change Plan is being updated to drive strengthened climate action across sectors – this was expected at the start of 2020/21. Action under this proposed Routemap supports delivery of Aberdeen’s Local Outcome Improvement Plan, especially Stretch outcome 14 – “Addressing…
… and opportunities. We report annually to the Scottish Government on work to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change. The Plan can help ensure we meet our statutory Climate Change Reporting duties while maximising the benefits of the process to deliver stronger outcomes for our organisation and the city. Resources Development and oversight of the Routemap and Plan will be achieved through existing…
… Aberdeen City Council Energy and Climate Plan ‘Routemap’ Executive summary We have legal duties as well as financial and societal imperatives to act robustly on climate change. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 set our initial legal framework for this. We are required to reduce our climate emissions and raise our climate…
… resilience in the way we design, build and manage our operations and assets. A 2019 Act introduces a Scottish net zero emissions target by 2045 and requires the strengthening of our ambitions and actions to address climate change. We were the first Council in Scotland to produce a Climate Change Action Plan in 2002 and have taken several important steps since then. The purpose of this proposed…