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Search results for "climate change"

Including 6 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and climate action.

1 result

Warwick District Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… Programme ~ Executive Summary FINAL ~ 31.1.2020 11 Lobby Government The Council should also work alongside other councils and organisations to lobby government for more resource and powers to enable delivery of climate action programmes, and include the following messages:  Government should set the highest priority to addressing Climate Change and fund accordingly  Climate change

… Warwick District Council Climate Emergency Action Programme WDC Climate Emergency Action Programme ~ Executive Summary FINAL ~ 31.1.2020 Taking Action on Climate Change “Making Warwick District a great place to live, work and visit – and carbon neutral by 2030” Executive Summary Abstract Warwick District Council declared…

… a climate emergency in June 2019 and made a commitment to reducing carbon emissions across the Council’s own estate and influencing climate action planning, mitigation and adaptation across Warwick District. Development of a Climate Emergency Action Programme is the first step to formalizing an approach over the next decade, which can bring social, environmental and economic benefits…

… to the communities and businesses across Warwick District and place Warwick District Council in the forefront of addressing climate change. in association with Item 6 / Page 20 WDC Climate Emergency Action Programme ~ Executive Summary FINAL ~ 31.1.2020 Contents Executive Summary…

… is in the form of a Climate Emergency Action Programme to address these two declarations and contains a Carbon Management Plan for the Council’s own estate and a Climate Emergency Action Roadmap for Warwick District. 4. The Climate Action Programme acknowledges the effectiveness of current carbon reduction activities being undertaken by the Council both within its own estate and across…


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