Including 9 closely related terms such as global warming, climate, and climate change.
… and Ecological Emergency. It has since amended the UK's Climate Change Act to legislate for Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050.This coincided with publication of the report from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), ‘Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming’ (May 2019), which recommended this new target. The Government Response to the CCC Report ‘Leading on Clean Growth: Reducing UK…
…) to determine and implement best practice methods to limit Global Warming to less than 1.5°C; (This is ongoing via involvement in Global Covenant of Mayors, APSE, ADEPT, Key Cities) vi. Continue to work with partners across the city region to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans; (Climate Action Place Leadership Board will meet in early 2020) vii. Set-up a Citizens…
… in their report: Local and Regional Implications of the United Nations Paris Agreement on Climate Change (2019). This states that if we are to stay within the Paris Agreement global warming threshold of ‘well below 2oc’, ‘end point targets such as ‘net zero’ by 2050…can be useful indicators of ambition, but it is ultimately the cumulative CO2 released on the way to that target that is of primary…
… domestic framework for environmental governance, including the establishment of a new Office for Environmental Protection, to ensure urgent and meaningful action to deal with the environmental and climate crisis. The Bill introduces many initiatives connected to climate change: mandatory biodiversity net gain - the requirement for new developments to enhance biodiversity, consistency of local…
… significance to achieving climate change goals.’ To this end, the Council will develop carbon budgets to clearly guide its progress towards its 2030 target, aiming to make significant reductions as soon as possible, whilst the Climate Action Place Leadership Board will similarly consider data on the yearly reductions needed to support the Paris Agreement and bring the area successfully to the pre-2050…