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Search results for "climate change"

Including 6 closely related terms such as global warming, climate, and climate change.

1 result

Stevenage Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… SSSeeeccctttiiiooonnn 444::: TTTHHHEEE EEEVVVIIIDDDEEENNNCCCEEESection 4: THE EVIDENCE 4.1 What is Climate Change and how do you mitigate its effects? Climate change refers to the impact on the climate of too many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing accelerated global warming. This is a result of many different human activates such as burning fossil fuels (e.g. gas, coal and oil), intensified…

… is no exception. Stevenage was built on a foundation of co-operation as policy makers and residents sought to rebuild the community following the Second World War, and this ethos will be of paramount importance when tackling climate change. There can be no climate safe future while there is injustice and inequality. It is critical that as SBC looks at community wealth building the climate is considered…

… effectiveness. Stevenage Borough Council has and will continue to reach out to our businesses and residents to enable the changes the whole town needs to pull together. This will allow the whole town to capitalise on the social justice benefits of tackling climate change. For example, prioritising cleaner air for all, healthier diets, and improved public transport. Stevenage Borough Council strives…

… fff SSSttteeevvveeennnaaagggeee’’’sss CCCllliiimmmaaattteee CCChhhaaannngggeee EEEmmmeeerrrgggeeennncccyyy RRReeessspppooonnnssseee222...222 FFFrrriiieeennndddsss ooofff ttthhheee EEEaaarrrttthhh (((FFFOOOEEE))) AAAsssssseeessssssmmmeeennntt oo2.2 Friends of the Earth (FOE) Assessment of Stevenage’s Climate Change Emergency Responset o

… this first-step to consult with residents and businesses. This document aims to provide contextual information and focusses on the Council’s proposed approach for tackling climate change. This is a vital strategic task which will consider the role the Council must play as a facilitator for change and advocate for radical transformation of the transport and energy systems, as well as having a robust…


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