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Search results for "climate change"

Including 7 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and climate impact.

1 result

North Somerset Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… seven key principles for how we will address the causes and consequences of climate change, with the aim to be carbon neutral by 2030. The Strategy is supported by the accompanying Climate Emergency Strategic Action Plan and Data Dashboard. The Strategy is owned by the cross-party member Climate Emergency working group and will link in with the developing North Somerset Corporate Plan 2020-2025…

… 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 k tC o 2 p e r c a p it a k tC o 2 Carbon emissions in North Somerset ktCo2 per capita ktCo2 1 oC Damaging climate impacts are already being felt today at 1o of warming 1.5 oC Keeping below 1.5o would help to protect ecosystems limiting impacts on vulnerable groups 2 oC Below 2 o will limit the most damaging effects…

… of climate change 3 oC We are currently on track for 3o of warming – the tipping point 4 oC Unchecked emissions growth could lead to severe and widespread climate change by 2100 Become a net zero carbon council An energy efficient built environment Renewable energy generation Repair, reuse, reduce and recycle Replenish our carbon stores Reduce emissions from transport Adapting…

… to climate change Avoidance Reduction Mitigation Storage Context Full council Executive Cross-party working group Corporate Management Team Officers working group North Somerset will aim to be a carbon neutral council and a carbon neutral area by 2030 key principle our influence the scope Our stakeholders are aligned to our matrix of influence, some we can directly influence…

… Governance The Strategy is owned by the cross-party member working group, with the Action Plan owned by the officers working group. Progress is reported to Corporate Management team via officers and to Executive via the members working group. group. The North Somerset Climate Emergency Strategy is a live document which outlines our…


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