Including 11 closely related terms such as global warming, global climate change, and global climate.
… Delivering a net zero carbon borough by 2050 is an objective in the Borough Plan 2019-23. However, in light of the new scientific evidence published in the report Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2018), Full Council in March 2019 agreed to declare a climate emergency, and to review this date for delivery with a view…
…, the rate of reduction in carbon has been varied, but with an overall downward trend in emissions. However, the rate of reduction has not met the scale necessary, as set out by the UK Government’s Committee on Climate Change and the UN’s IPCC. 6.2 On 8th October 2018, the IPCC released a report titled Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius. This report warned that if the planet…
… as XR) which is a global climate change movement with the stated aim of using non-violent civil disobedience to compel government action to avoid tipping points in the climate system. This organisation has held many protests and civil disobedience events across London and beyond, as well as events in Haringey. 6.4 National government and the GLA have recently strengthened their policies…
… to promote the work of the wider borough on carbon reduction. 6.13 Key cross cutting themes have emerged during the development of the Haringey Climate Change Action Plan, which have been embedded in the actions and objectives. These include: The scale and impact of the climate crisis requires the Council and its partners to be ambitious; Action on climate change at a local level…
… Briefing for: Page 1 of 15 Report for: Cabinet,10 March 2020 Title: Haringey Climate Change Action Plan Report authorised by: Dan Hawthorn, Director of Housing, Regeneration & Planning Lead Officer: Joe Baker, Head of Carbon Management. x3976. Ward(s) affected: All Report…