Including 7 closely related terms such as climate changes, changes, and climate.
… that promotes biodiversity, natural habitats and adaptation to climate change Review of biodiversity value of parks and open spaces through regular updates of existing management plans and creation of new management plans where needed. Continue to promote and collect information in accordance with the County Wildlife Site (CWS) in Positive Conservation Improved management of biodiversity…
… IT Priority 2- Building Community Resilience 2.0 Supporting local communities to help them become resilient to the impacts of climate change Reference What we want to achieve How we will achieve it Outcomes Responsibility BCR1 Adopt supplementary planning document (SPD) to ensure that developers integrate sustainable surface water management into new developments. Developers to provide…
… quality including air pollution. Green spaces also support local biodiversity; help to improve air quality and reduce flood risk. Public Health 2.1 Supporting local businesses to help them become resilient to climate change Reference What we want to achieve How we will achieve it Outcomes Responsibility BCR6 Raise awareness of funding opportunities available to businesses…
… to local businesses on energy and water saving, sustainability, as well as providing support to them on preparing and adapting to Climate Change Link up with partners to determine opportunities for partnership working (e.g. Federation of Small Businesses-FSB, Chamber of Commerce, Bedford Business Executive-BBE, Bedford Bid, and Green Business Network). Distribute a new Green Business…
… 2.5 Ensure open spaces including parks and recreation are resilient to predicted climate changes Reference What we want to achieve How we will achieve it Outcomes Responsibility BCR26 Ensure facilities from new developments are resilient to seasonal changes through appropriate design and implementation Work with developers and colleagues on open space provision, resilient tree…