Including the closely related terms climate, and change.
… of magnitude and 3) produce "ZerCaL" (lime produced without emitting CO2) – a first-of-its-kind – which can then be used to perform Direct Air Capture, effectively removing CO2 from the atmosphere, and storing it permanently. The benefits to wider society lie in using an engineered solution to combat climate change at an industrial scale, while safeguarding a 200-year- old industry and the industrial…
… 2 3 HUMBER 2030 VISI N JOBS | GROWTH | DECARBONISATION “ There are few places around the world more crucial to the road to net zero and industrial decarbonisation than the Humber – it is a location from which so much can be achieved and learned” Our shared vision Decarbonising the UK's largest industrial cluster Climate…
… change is the defining challenge of our time, compelling us to decarbonise our economy, develop energy resilience and invest in new green technologies. The UK has adopted a global leadership position, passing into law a commitment to net zero by 2050, and challenging the world to follow at COP26. The actions that the government and businesses take to deliver net zero…