Including 9 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and report climate.
… … Foreword Councillor Robin Currie, Leader This year 2021 our Council has renewed it’s commitment to playing its part in the global effort to address climate challenges, and has declared a climate emergency. Recent reports from the United Nations have also indicated a ‘Code Red for Humanity’ situation in relation to tackling climate change, following the publication…
… Change Board and in 2021 normalised this work stream into the Policy & Resources Committee where Climate Change matters is now a standing item. This year our Council also declared a Climate Emergency and renewed commitment to addressing climate challenges. Much still requires to be done and achieved and a whole corporate Council approach is required to tackling Climate Change. Given its…
… of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report Climate Change 2021 – The Physical Science Basis’ Argyll and Bute Council has delivered a 27% reduction in carbon emissions over the past five years – with emissions dropping for three years in a row during the lifetime of this Council. However, we recognise more needs to be done to achieve our intended goals of becoming the UK’s first net zero…
… region and being a net zero organisation by 2045 – with ambitious interim targets of reaching 75% reduction by 2030. Tackling climate change is everyone’s responsibility. During the whole of this council term (2017 to 2022) Argyll and Bute Council has considered its contribution to that collective effort to be a key priority – including the theme of ‘Greener, Cleaner Communities’ as part…
… green flags Many of our communities and businesses are already empowered and heading towards their own climate change journey. Whilst this Decarbonisation Plan primarily focusses on activities of the Council we still aim to promote appropriate good practice of our partners in our area. Tackling climate change is also hugely diverse and under the ‘Climate Friendly Argyll and Bute’ branding…