Including 4 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and mate change.
… Climate change strategy and action plan In September 2019, councillors voted to adopt the Climate Emergency motion, which sets out the council's aim to become carbon-neutral by 2030. To reach this ambitious target, we have produced a strategy outlining actions that will help tackle…
… Waverley Borough Council - Climate change strategy and action plan //<![CDATA[ var __cultureInfo = {"name":"en-GB","numberFormat":{"CurrencyDecimalDigits":2,"CurrencyDecimalSeparator":".","IsReadOnly":false,"CurrencyGroupSizes":[3],"NumberGroupSizes":[3],"PercentGroupSizes":[3],"CurrencyGroupSeparator":",","CurrencySymbol":"£","NaNSymbol":"NaN…
… Home Services Environmental concerns Sustainability and conservation Climate change strategy and action plan…
… climate change in our borough. The action plan and strategy were adopted by Full Council on 15 December 2020. Main themes Waverley’s action plan focuses on 7 main themes: Organisational emissions…
…: A new design standard and specification for new council homes The Climate Change and Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document…