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Search results for "climate change"

Including 12 closely related terms such as new climate change, future climate change, and climate.

1 result

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… this corporate action. 1. Action by all: Action number Action Emissions impact Indicative cost Timescale RAG status Responsibility KPI/ measure of progress Nov 2022 update 1.1a Embed climate change training and e-learning into induction process for all council staff and ensure staff receive ongoing training as required, in order to increase understand of climate change

… Council/ Borough: Borough- wide Emissions Reduction: Low Cost: Low (£) Funding Source: Climate Change budget Income Generation?: No Q1 2021 Q4 2022-23 In Progress Communications Team Climate Change and Sustainability team New page website live Tracking actions/ideas received The council website now hosts eight webpages dedicated to climate change work

…, including information about the work the council is doing, links to the strategy and action plan, a climate change toolkit and information on energy loans and grants, which has recently been updated to provide an easy one stop reference encouraging residents to make their homes more energy efficient. A separate website and new climate change identity are in development, aimed at reaching…

…. Council/ Borough: Borough- wide Emissions Reduction: Medium Cost: Medium (££) Funding Source: Internal resources (Staff time) Income Generation?: No Q4 2022-23 In Progress Communications Team Policy Team Climate Change and Sustainability team Actions included in next Action Plan A new Climate Change Communications and Engagement Officer was recruited…

… in April 2022. A Climate Change Communications Strategy has been developed, alongside a communications plan which sets out objectives to reach and build relationships with all audiences identified in the strategy, communicate relevant milestones, events and awareness days and establish a new identity for future climate change-focused communications. Work to develop new identity and website…


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