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Search results for "climate change"

Including 6 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and climate policy.

1 result

Basildon Borough Council

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Climate Change Basildon 2030 - Basildon Skip to main content gi.cookiepolicy.init({"categories":[{"id":"analytics","providers":["Google Analytics"],"consented":false}]}); This website uses cookies Accept all Change cookie preferences…

… Page Residents Climate Change Basildon 2030 Climate Change Basildon 2030 is all about the small changes each of us can make, that when added together have a big impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions across the borough…

…. gi.responsiveImage.initialiseResponsiveImage('c_36ba027d-be57-419a-a6ca-5ff12e39a2cd'); Small changes, big impact The climate change emergency is fast becoming the biggest threat facing the nation and action is needed without delay, both nationally and at a local level within our borough. Basildon Council is now fully committed to developing an ongoing programme of greenhouse gas…

… reduction measures, with an ambitious target to deliver zero carbon emissions across the borough by 2030, and net zero emissions by 2050. Draft Climate Strategy Following the adoption of our Climate Policy in March 2021, our Draft Climate Strategy was adopted by Leisure and Environment Committee in July 2021.  We already have a number of major projects in progress arising from the Strategy including…

… out the headline activities we are looking to take by 2030 and 2050.  View the Strategy here -  Climate Change and Strategy Action Plan (PDF) [16MB] (opens new window) To achieve our zero carbon emissions target we need your help and support. Further information on what we are doing and guidance on how you can help is available under the following headings…


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