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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including 21 related terms such as change adaptation, adaptation project, and adaptation plan.

831 results

South Ayrshire Council

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… e 1. Introduction This strategy sets out how South Ayrshire Council aims to further sustainable development and tackle climate change over the next five years. It provides a strategic framework with clear outcomes and actions to drive progress. The strategy draws together relevant commitments from other council strategies and plans into one coherent framework, demonstrating…

… bodies and are subject to the reporting requirements. 2.2.5 Climate Ready Scotland Climate Ready Scotland is Scotland’s Climate Adaptation Programme17, aimed at tackling and adapting to the impacts predicted by the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment18. 2.3 Local The Council’s plan, Our Vision, Our Place 2018-202219, sets the framework for achieving the goal: “We want South Ayrshire…

…: Putting them into practice: Guidance required by Part 4 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, Scottish Government. 17 Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme, May 2014, Scottish Government 18 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment, 2017, UK Government 19 Our Vision, Our Place, Council Plan 2018-2022…

Climate Change Plan  Reduce the Council’s carbon footprint  Ensure service delivery and the council estate is resilient to the impacts of climate change Public Bodies Climate Change Duties  Identify opportunities to contribute to emissions reduction targets  Identify how to help deliver climate change adaptation Sustainable Procurement Duty  Resource efficiency, sustainability and climate

… plans for the next 5 years and include outcomes and intentions in the climate change annual reporting process. Activity - Adaptation Ensure the Council’s climate change risks are assessed and covered appropriately through the service planning process. Activity - Adaptation Set out a proactive approach to climate change adaption within our Asset Management Plan. Activity - Partnerships…

Guildford Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… challenges and atmospheric warming. Climate adaptation means preparing for the impact of climate change, taking actions to prevent or minimise the damage from the climatic changes already in process, and benefitting from the opportunities that climate change may present. This forward planning reduces the vulnerability of Guildford and the individuals and organisations that make up our community…

…) ...............................................................5 1.1.2: Additional information: The importance of carbon ..............................................................5 1.2: The Impact of Climate Change .....................................................................................................6 1.2.1: Additional information: Climate adaptation, mitigation, and resilience; what is the difference and why are they important…

…? ........................................................................................6 1.3: Why do we all need to act? .........................................................................................................7 1.3.1: Additional information: Carbon emissions: ..........................................................................7 1.4: The Co-Benefits of Tackling Climate Change ...............................................................................7…

… and water supplies are affected resulting in higher food prices and creating a monetary impact on Guildford’s residents. By providing a holistic and comprehensive Climate Change Action Plan, Guildford Borough Council (GBC) seeks to identify the gaps and opportunities to increase climate resilience within the borough and support residents, businesses, and the wider community in the mitigation…

… of, and adaptation to, climate change. 1.2.1: Additional information: Climate adaptation, mitigation, and resilience; what is the difference and why are they important? Carbon emissions can remain in the atmosphere for hundreds of years, which means that while efforts are being undertaken to reduce our current emissions, the excess carbon in the atmosphere will remain and cause further environmental…

South Tyneside Council

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… further global temperature rises; and Climate Change Adaptation: establishing the necessary steps that we must take to prepare and adapt to future changes in our climate The Strategy brings a wide range of plans and strategic actions across the Council into one place, through the establishment of a 5 year action plan focused on climate change mitigation…

… views and ideas on how the Council and communities can work together to tackle climate change. Of those that responded to the consultation, 99% said they were concerned about the impacts of climate change. Key areas of concern included: Environmental destruction Extreme weather events Species extinction Rising Temperatures Flooding…

… towards climate change, by the end of the coming decade we will be on one of two paths. A path in which we have past the point of no return, risking the health and safety of everyone on this planet, or a path of resolve with sustainable solutions that limit global temperatures beyond 1.5°C by the end of the century. The signs are unmissable…

… will be catastrophic. However, with rapid global action to cut greenhouse gas emissions, we can still reduce the impact of global temperature rises. Councillor Iain Malcolm Leader of the Council South Tyneside Council’s commitment towards climate change is strong and focused; implementing strategies that bring…

…, solar PV coupled with battery storage. Climate change is a responsibility that we all must share without full engagement we will be unable to deliver the reductions required. We must open our eyes to the imminent threat facing us all, there is no time and no reason to delay. Cllr Joan Atkinson Lead Member, Area…

North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… • Adaptation to Climate Change The authority is clear that to meet its climate ambitions, adaptation to climate change must be an inherent and core part of the Action Plan. Adapting to current and predicted changes to our climate, both at the national and local levels, is a vital necessity to protect the economy and protect society. All the current science and evidence suggests that climate

… to Climate Change 6. Decarbonising Heat in North Tyneside 7. A Just and Fair Transition 8. Waste and Resources 9. Governance, Monitoring & Key Performance Indicators 10. The Authority Net Zero Action Plans WS1: Council Assets WS2: Climate Adaptation, Insetting & Nature-based Solutions WS3: Fleet WS4: Organisational Culture…

… at to receive the free toolkit. North Tyneside Climate Adaptation Toolkit ACTION ONCLIMATECHANGENORTH TYNESIDE For North Tyneside Businesses and Third Sector Organisations 14 ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE NORTH TYNESIDE Carbon Net Zero 2030 Action Plan 2023/24 • Offsetting and Insetting including nature based solutions The authority has identified…

CHANGE NORTH TYNESIDE Carbon Net Zero 2030 Action Plan 2023/24 The role of Biodiversity Net Gain The authority is very aware that in order to meet the challenging 2030 target, action needs to be aligned with climate adaptation as mentioned in section 5 of the report. Other key local strategies include the local plan, biodiversity action plan, green infrastructure strategies and Local Nature…

… ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE NORTH TYNESIDE Carbon Net Zero 2030 Action Plan 2023/24 This Action Plan is the second revision of the North Tyneside Council approach to the Climate Emergency, and as Cabinet Member for the Climate Emergency, I am delighted to present its contents. In 2019, North Tyneside Council declared…

Clackmannanshire Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… in the decades beyond 2020. THIS PAPER RELATES TO ITEM 5 ON THE AGENDA 31 3.2. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 Clackmannanshire Council is required to:  contribute to climate change adaptation  contribute to carbon emissions reduction targets  act sustainably 3.3. The guidance recommends public bodies embed climate change action in all core corporate and business…

… partners. We have continued to run climate change adaptation projects with Inner Forth Landscape Initiative partners. Transportation staff have worked with Sustainability and with the Trust for Conservation Volunteers to development a network of Flood Risk Monitor volunteers to monitor key choke points in watercourses. We also have a continuing partnership with the Scottish Flood Forum…

… of the sections of the report. In addition, they have suggested that target dates should be set for updating the Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy, establishing a Carbon Management Group, revising the Carbon Management Plan, and developing a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. They have also noted that Waste Management related emissions are not included within the report and suggested…

… Authority to tackle climate change by providing a route map to improving energy efficiency and establishing heat decarbonisation targets. Waste management Zero Waste Strategy cuments/wastemanagement/zer owastestrategy20122022jointmai nissuespaperenvironmentalrepor t/ 2012-2022 Addresses waste in Clackmannanshire as a whole, rather than in the Council's own…

… policies contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change adaptation. Other (state topic area covered in comments) Biodiversity Action Plan nment/biodiversity/ 2012-2020 Addresses the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, and the role of ecosystems in adapting to climate change. The Plan has been reviewed and extended to 2020 in line…

West of England Combined Authority

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 1 West of England Climate Emergency Action Plan September 2020 2 Foreword Tim Bowles, Mayor of the West of England The West of England has set an ambitious goal to achieve our part in tackling climate change and take meaningful steps towards a low carbon economy which enhances…

… renewable energy generation and helping our businesses to transition to low carbon ways of doing things, so that we can all play our part, through small and large steps alike. And at the Combined Authority, the impact on our commitments to tackle climate change is now explicitly considered as part of every decision we make. But it is not just where we live that we are playing our part in reducing…

…, regionally and locally to accelerate our journey towards a net zero carbon future. This action plan sets out the actions WECA will take, within our powers, to support the rapid delivery of this climate emergency goal for the West of England. The West of England has set an ambitious goal for tackling climate change ‘In 2030, the West of England is net zero carbon’ 4…

… a proactive approach to green infrastructure 5 Impact of climate emergency on the region Climate change poses a clear and urgent challenge, affecting our future environment and prosperity of our region. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s [IPCC] recommendations are clear – limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees [rather than 2 degrees] between now and 2052 will significantly reduce…

… of climate change such as increased heat, drought and flooding. This will require changes in the way that we act and make decisions. However, the way to achieve this goal is complex and will require a collaborative approach between national government, combined authorities, unitary authorities, individuals, business and international government. 6 Regional…

City of London

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor of the City of London The City of London Corporation’s core purpose is to promote the long-term interests of the City, and thereby support the UK’s economy. We have long been champions of sustainability. We were the first local government body to introduce a smokeless zone, in 1954, two years ahead of the Clean Air Act. We developed a climate change adaptation

… to ensure that the Square Mile and City Corporation make a positive contribution. We will help tackle climate change, address the resilience risks it poses, and seize the opportunities presented by the transition to a net zero economy. This is one of the defining cross-City Corporation policies. It supports delivery of our Corporate Plan, 2018- 23. But we cannot do this alone. This strategy sets…

… out how we will work in partnership with our stakeholders to develop the solutions to tackle climate change. We must build back better following the pandemic, making sure no one is left behind. We invite you to work with us as we adapt so that our society can flourish for decades to come. Catherine McGuinness Chair of the Policy & Resources Committee, The City of London Corporation…

… obligations under the UK Climate Change Act (amended 2019). This has enshrined in law both a target of net zero emissions by 2050 and measures for climate adaptation (improved resilience). It is complementary to London-wide and national efforts to reduce emissions and improve the resilience of our communities and urban spaces. Crucially, this includes the draft London Plan, the Greater London…

… and its assets are resilient to climate change. The City of London Corporation supports UK and overseas organisations to become climate responsible. The Square Mile’s scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions (BASIC+ definition) are net zero by 2040. The Square Mile’s buildings, public spaces and infrastructure are resilient to climate change. People in the Square Mile and beyond benefit from…

London Borough of Hillingdon

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… position 12 4. Taking action 15 5. The strategic objectives 15 - C1 Community leadership - C2 The council’s own operations - C3 Building better places - C4 Using and producing clean and green energy - C5 Waste management - C6 Climate change adaptation and mitigation - C7 Carbon offsetting - C8 Sustainable transportation - C9 Transparency, communication and reporting 6. The action…

… they are able to respond to any new and emerging opportunities and challenges. Objective Theme C1 Community Leadership C2 The Council’s Own Operations C3 Building Better Places C4 Using and Producing Clean and Green Energy C5 Waste Management C6 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation C7 Carbon Offsetting C8 Sustainable Transportation C9 Transparency, Communication and Reporting 5. The Strategic…

… opportunities to see real world examples of action being taken to tackle climate change and to identify ‘young climate champions.’ 16 The Strategic Climate Action Plan C1.10 To develop a schools engagement strategy to promote and encourage positive climate and environment action in accordance with the objectives and commitments in this plan. C1.11 To support, promote and raise awareness…

…. These suggestions also naturally link the community leadership objectives and there is clear scope to link the two themes in a beneficial way. The objectives in this theme respond to these points positively and will be developed further through specific actions plans and engagement. 23The Strategic Climate Action Plan C6 Climate change adaptation and mitigation C6.1 To develop a climate change

adaptation and mitigation action plan. C6.2 To put in place a water efficiency strategy for all Council operations (such as green space watering, depot operations and corporate buildings) then monitor, record and report year on year savings. C6.3 To ensure the council’s flood resilience and management work incorporates a changing climate and that the council’s own land and property decisions…

Angus Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… an unprecedented increase in the recognition of the global threat posed by climate change and the need for national and local governments, alongside the private sector and local communities, to take action. In addition to strong national policy, tackling climate change requires committed action at a local level. Local authorities have a key role to play in helping to reduce carbon emissions and build…

… the resilience of the region, whilst at the same time positioning Angus to capitalise on the significant economic opportunities offered by a low carbon economy. Angus Council recognises the critical strategic leadership role it has in tackling climate change. To date, Angus Council has achieved significant reductions in carbon emissions from its estate, as well as taking steps to increase the resilience…

…:// 7 Urban Foresight tackling climate change. Although not legally binding, it required nations to take ownership of the goals and create…

…-transport-strategy.pdf 8 Urban Foresight Adaption Programme 11 uses an outcomes-based approach, aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to set out how Scotland can prepare for the consequences of climate change. 11 Climate Ready Scotland: climate change adaptation programme 2019-2024. Available here.…

…-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/ 9 Urban Foresight Covid-19 The Covid-19 pandemic, and the restrictions applied to manage its spread, have had an unprecedented impact on all aspects of society. As a result of the restrictions imposed during the pandemic, it is estimated that the daily global carbon emissions in April 2020 dropped by 17% compared…

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… iterations, we will focus on achieving best practice driven by an evidence-based approach. We will strive to include as broad a range of emission sources and physical risks as possible. Our Climate Action Plan aims to ensure that the Council makes a positive contribution by striving to be ambitious and leading by example. We will help tackle climate change, address the risks it poses, and seize…

… the opportunities presented by leading the transition to a net zero economy locally. This is one of the defining cross-Council Plans. It supports delivery of our Corporate Plan, 2020-24, and Community Plan ‘Fermanagh and Omagh 2030’. But we cannot do this alone. This Plan sets out how we will work in partnership with our stakeholders to develop the solutions needed to tackle climate change. We must build…

… to support the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (2015), The Paris Agreement on Climate Change (2015) and our obligations under the UK Climate Change Act (amended 2019). This has enshrined in law both a target of net zero emissions by 2050 and measures for climate adaptation (improved resilience). It is complementary to NI-wide efforts to reduce emissions and improve the resilience…

… of our communities and urban spaces. Crucially, this includes the Green Growth Strategy and the Northern Ireland Climate Change Adaptation Programme (2019). It also covers the landscape of policies set out by government and advice from the UK Committee on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The UK Climate Change Act (amended 2019) has enshrined in law…

… change. We will use this to support delivery of our new Climate Change and Sustainable Development Strategy and Action Plan. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing We would like to use our role as an investor to support our sustainable development goals. Working with our investment manager, NILGOSC, we will ask for a transition of our pension portfolio towards ESG factors…

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… ADAPTATION STRATEGY 1 BLACKBURN WITH DARWEN BOROUGH COUNCIL’S CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN 2 CONTENTS PAGE Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4 The Risk Assessment…

… Process………………………………………………………………………………………………….9 Priority Areas Identified for Blackburn with Darwen…………………………………………………………….12 Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan……………………………………………………………………………….16 Implementing and Monitoring the Actions……………………………………………………………………………29 Appendix 1: Risk Based Assessments…………………………………………………………………………………….30 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The main objectives…

… from West and Gawith (2005) Climate change adaptation 1.7 Adaptation is the term used to describe changing our behaviour so that it is more appropriate to the expected future climate. Stern (2007) highlights that “climate change is a serious and urgent issue” and the need for action is widely acknowledged. As Stern explains: “Adaptation is crucial to deal with the unavoidable impacts…

… threat/opportunity, any current climate change adaptation measures which were already included in their service delivery were included as these could potentially reduce the magnitude of the impact the event would have on their service. 2.8 The completed risk assessments can be found in Appendix 1 and section 3 summarises the priority actions that came out of the risk assessments process…

… is necessary; • Ensure Highways begin to record the number of defects reported on the borough’s road network following severe weather conditions in order to monitor the impact of climate change and to identify where the most damage is occurring. 16 5. CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION ACTION PLAN 5.1 This section of the Strategy sets out the priority climate change adaptation actions…

Westminster City Council

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…. Our commitment to becoming carbon neutral Our Climate Action Plan Home Tackling climate change in Westminster Climate action plan Tackling climate change in Westminster Climate Action Plan Climate emergency FAQs Our Climate Emergency Action Plan Westminster has some of the highest carbon emissions and worst air pollution…

… London Authority targets inspire residents, communities, and organisations to increase tree planting on private land in support of the ‘Queen’s Green Canopy’ campaign for the Platinum Jubilee in 2022 by 2023, undertake an assessment of Westminster's green and open spaces to inform a Green Infrastructure Strategy by 2023, develop a Climate Adaptation Plan, based on an understanding of climate-related…

… risks, and local and national climate adaptation activity, to protect Westminster’s vulnerable people, businesses, services, assets and green spaces from changes in climate and extreme weather events Links to other policies  Our Climate Emergency Action Plan is primarily focused on actions to reduce Greenhouse Gases, but interlinks closely with a range of other Council…

… are: by 2040, upgrade our social housing estate, targeting an average Energy Performance Certificate Band B rating by 2022, cut emissions from our corporate estate by retrofitting up to 70 properties, targeting 20% emissions reductions in 2022, establish a dedicated online platform for residents to provide information and advice on climate change, energy efficiency and wider sustainability opportunities…

… the atmosphere and play an important role in supporting biodiversity and improving air quality. Our main priority is to enhance the natural environment and ensure the city is resilient to climate change impacts Some of our main actions are: maintain, plant, and protect our trees to support a long-term increase in tree canopy cover, targeting a 10% increase of existing cover by 2050, in line with Greater…

Leicester City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… the framework we use to engage local communities in developing local flood risk management decisions, and explains how we support them to become better informed about flood risk issues. As climate change leads to more frequent intense rainfall, addressing flood risk forms a key element of our work to make Leicester a climate-adapted city. The local flood risk management strategy is available…

… Leicester Climate Emergency Strategy 2020-2023 Leicester Climate Emergency Strategy April 2020 – March 2023 Towards a carbon-neutral and climate-adapted city Leicester’s Climate Emergency Strategy: April 2020 to March 2023 Page 2 of 57 Foreword We are proud to present Leicester City Council’s strategy and action plan…

… for tackling the Climate Emergency. This strategy builds upon a strong legacy of local action on climate change and confirms our commitment to taking the urgent action needed to create a low-carbon, fair and resilient city. We are publishing this strategy at a time when the science on global heating and climate change has never been clearer and the need to take action has never been more vital…

… and scope of this strategy 11 Leicester’s impact on climate change 14 Our achievements so far 16 Playing our part 19 Responses to Leicester’s Climate Emergency Conversation 21 Our Strategy for the City 24 Preface to the strategy: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and opportunities for a ‘green recovery’ 24 Aims 25 At home 26 Travel and transport 29 Consumer choices and waste 34…

… At work 39 Land use, green space and development 43 The council 47 Delivery, Monitoring and Reporting 51 Broadening Leicester’s Response to the Emergency 53 Glossary 54 Leicester’s Climate Emergency Strategy: April 2020 to March 2023 Page 6 of 57 Executive Summary Playing our part in tackling the Climate Emergency Climate change is a critical threat to people in Leicester…

Inverclyde Council

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… all existing projects and initiatives that are climate change adaptation related. • Set a formal process to examine the nature of impacts climate change is likely to have on the Council’s own operations and the Inverclyde area as a whole. The process should follow the criteria set under the ‘Scotland Climate Change Adaptation Programme’. • Consider possible climate change adaptation projects…

… Financial 8 2.5 Council policy 8 3. Climate Change Strategy 9 3.1 Leadership 9 3.2 Support from Services 9 3.3 Buildings 9 3.4 Street lighting 9 3.5 Fleet management 10 3.6 Waste 10 3.7 Climate change awareness 10 3.8 Continuous improvement 10 4. Targets and Objectives 11 4.1 Climate change mitigation 11 4.2 Climate change adaptation 11 4.3 Transformational change 11 5. Reviewing…

… carbon emissions by 13.7% over the period 2007/08 to 2016/17. To continue the process of tackling climate change, the Council has released this Climate Change Plan. The reason for changing the name from Carbon Management Plan to Climate Change Plan is that this Plan will consider both climate change mitigation and adaptation. The previous Greenock, from the east 3 CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2018…

… the public sector which is expected to take the lead in tackling climate change. For example, in its draft Climate Change Plan, the Scottish Government has set a target for 94% of non-domestic buildings to have heating and cooling supplied by low carbon technologies. Moreover, the Scottish Government proposes that a statutory duty be placed on local authorities to develop ‘Local Heat and Energy…

…, investigate potential transformational projects and take steps to try and implement them. Climate change adaptation is difficult to quantify and therefore set a target. The Climate Change Plan, therefore, details objectives for the Council to adapt to climate change. One particular concern for Inverclyde is flooding. Inverclyde’s location along the coast of the Clyde makes it susceptible to flooding…

Norwich City Council

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… funding required to effectively tackle climate change. This document is the fourth environmental strategy that the city council has produced and details the council’s environmental vision and priorities until 2025. In shaping these priorities, we have been extremely fortunate in being able to listen to evidence from world-renowned researchers at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research…

… emission reductions in all sectors of society. Fig: 1 Global CO2 emissions Gt CO2/yr 9 The UK was the first country to introduce long-term, legally-binding national legislation to tackle climate change

…. The 2008 Climate Change Act provides the UK with a legal framework, including a new net zero target for carbon emissions by 2050. It also includes five-yearly ‘carbon budgets’ (limits on emissions over a set time period, which act as stepping stones towards the 2050 target), and the development of a climate change adaptation plan. The new net zero target fully meets the requirements of the Paris…

… at city hall including crisp packet recycling 3 Office Facilities 2019 2.9 Refresh the council's fleet with greater use of EV/ Hybrid 2 Office Facilities 2024 2.10 Run a training event on climate change adaptation for planners and members of the planning committee 1,4 Planning Ongoing 2.11 Remediate the old depot site to enable new use for housing 1,4 NRL Ongoing 2.12 To continue to lobby…

… to drive down emissions to atmosphere under the Pollution Prevention & Control (PPC) regime 9 Citywide Services Ongoing 2.31 To review the objectives of the tree strategy for Norwich which will consider carbon storage, biodiversity, air quality and climate change adaptation 8,9 Citywide Services 2022 2.32 To deliver a new open spaces strategy in Norwich including ensuring all Norwich City…

Torbay Council

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… Funding the transition  Monitoring progress  Appendix 1 Background We want to create a thriving Torbay and one that is tackling climate change locally. We have committed to becoming a carbon neutral council and to working with others to create a carbon neutral Torbay by 2030. Our…

… research released during the conference showed that the plans countries have laid out so far for reducing emissions still add up to 2.4 degree Celsius temperature rise by end of the century. So, we all need to take rapid action now, and this includes Torbay Council. In 2019 we declared a climate emergency2 and adopted tackling climate change as one of its four key visions as outlined in the Community…

… to tackle the climate emergency across Torbay. The Initial Action Plan is here. This is an example of how the Council is using its influence across Torbay to support and accelerate action to tackle climate change locally Established a new Torbay Climate Partnership to strategically coordinate and accelerate climate action across Torbay Held the third Torbay Community Conference. The theme was tackling

… with partners, businesses, and communities to reduce Torbay-wide carbon emission. We will prioritise the decarbonisation of actions within the building (domestic and commercial) and transport and business sectors. We also want to maximise the economic, social and health benefits that tackling climate change can bring, including new skilled jobs, training and new business opportunities. Working with partners…

… through a model science curriculum and explore a 1- year climate change schools engagement programme. Carbon Neutral Torbay and Devon Tackling climate change is not the role of a few organisations or people. It requires everyone to take action. We will: With the Torbay Climate Partnership and our businesses and communities, review our Energy and Climate Change Strategy 2014 - 2019 and co-design…

North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council

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… and industrial generated emissions. As an authority, we have worked very hard to understand and act upon the challenges we face in terms of climate change mitigation and latterly we have revisited our work on climate adaptation. Our vision for a future North Tyneside remains based on collaboration and positively engaging with our communities, businesses, and other public sector bodies. 4…

… been successful in managing its impacts on climate change for over a decade and has been successful in having these efforts recognised by a range of awarding bodies. Despite our efforts locally, global warming continues, with the impacts being felt both nationally and internationally. Our recent work on climate adaptation has identified that across the UK, continued warming is projected to make…

…, adaptation to climate change must also be an inherent and core part of the Action Plan. Adapting to current and predicted changes to our climate, both at the national and local levels, is a vital necessity to protect the economy and protect society. All the current science and empirical evidence suggests that climate change is leading to increasing frequency of severe weather, be that high rainfall…

… ….… 11 3. What Our Residents Think ………………………………..……………. 14 4. Key National Government Climate Change Policy since 2020 ….. 16 5. Outcomes from COP 26 ………………………………………………… 24 6. What We Will Do and The Ask of Central Government …………… 25 7. Governance Monitoring and Reporting on the Plan ………………. 27 a. The Carbon Net Zero 2030 Board (Internal) b. The Borough-wide Climate

… the Committee on Climate Change has resulted in unprecedented recognition of the global climate emergency, and the need to act urgently in order to reduce carbon emissions to limit further global warming and associated environmental impacts. Global initiatives are now focused on limiting warming to well below 2oC, aligning to the pledges outlined in the Paris Agreement. North Tyneside Council has…

Bradford Metropolitan District Council

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…, those challenges are shared by organisations across all sectors and people in all communities. The Sustainable Development Action Plan sets out activities and actions that the Council, in partnership with Government, regional agencies, local businesses, organisations and communities, will take in 2020-21 to reduce the extent of climate change, adapt to its impact, promote and improve environmental…

… Baseline Activity Baseline Indicative Activity and Achievements Adaptation FAS 2 flooding scheme particularly upper Aire catchment work Healthy streets £1m for healthy streets Shipley, we have a further ESIF bid in for a further £1m in the Climate call Highways schemes Canal Road, Hard Ings, Harrogate Road/New Line (using EU INTERREG funding to upscale) Horton Park: climate adaptation project

… vision  Build the evidence base around interventions, performance and outcomes  Inform and progress a long-term strategy aligned to the budget process 3 We face a Climate Emergency In January 2019, the Council declared a Climate Emergency, recognising the threat posed by climate change and the need for action and investment to be taken locally to help reduce its extent and to adapt to its…

… impact. It set out its commitment to taking positive action to tackle and adapt to climate change in ways which promote fairness and social justice and support green job creation and sustainable, inclusive economic growth, improved health and well-being and reductions in household energy bills. In June 2019, Leeds City Region (LCR) also declared a Climate Emergency and the Council has joined…

… the LCR Climate Coalition which aims to achieve a net zero carbon region by 2038. In summer 2019, Leeds City Region (LCR) declared a climate emergency aiming for a ‘zero- carbon city region by 2038, with significant progress by 2030’. This aim was adopted by Bradford Council in October 2019. The global challenge In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) advised that global…

Reading Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… as an opportunity to tackle climate change and create sustainable, inclusive economic growth. As we said earlier, this has been very much a partnership effort and we would like to express our appreciation to the members of the Reading Climate Change Partnership Board, the theme leads and group members who have given generously of their time and expertise to develop this strategy. We are especially grateful…

… (Source: Committee on Climate Change2) 2 zero-Infographic.png Unchecked emissions growth would lead to very severe and widespread climate change at 4°C or more by 2100. Damaging climate impacts are already being felt today at 1°C of warming. Climate change is here today: • The frequency of heatwaves has increased around the world…

… Overheating/failure of signalling/comms equipment Further stress on already stressed water resources Increased competition for water between agriculture, industry, households and the needs of the natural environment Drought impacts on water quality and supply Increased flash flood risk Table 1: Summary of climate risks for key sectors in Reading (Source: Reading Climate Change Adaptation Plan…

… to consider in relation to future governance of Adaptation Planning in Reading, which is something we can develop over the next few years. The Reading Climate Change Adaptation Plan highlights the key stages which we need to progress through in Reading to become more resilient to the impacts of climate change as follows: Fig 4: Key stages for effective planning to adapt to climate change impacts…

… Capacity and Partnerships Leadership and Governance Act now Implement low-regret and win-win options to enhance resilience Make plans Plan for larger investments to address the bigger risks Learn more Address long-term research needs 7 See Reading Climate Change Adaptation Plan, 11 3.4 The benefits of taking action on climate change The science…

Clackmannanshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and use of resources to contribute to reducing emissions and delivering its emissions reduction targets;  how the body will publish its progress on delivering reduction targets; and  where applicable, what contribution the body has made to deliver Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme. 3.3. Key expectations within the legislation also include;  Governance: institutional boards…

… outweigh the costs,15 there are significant incentives to reduce emissions across all parts of society. Particularly since the worsening of extreme weather events around the world and the consequent economic losses are becoming increasingly pronounced as emissions increase.16 Conversely, climate change adaptation and mitigation measures have the potential to deliver significant benefits…

… Item 09 Climate Change Strategy and Net Zero Targets CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Report to Council Date of Meeting: 11 August 2022 Subject: Climate Change Strategy and Net Zero Targets Report by: Strategic Director (Place) 1.0 Purpose 1.1. On Thursday 19th August 2021, Clackmannanshire Council unanimously passed…

… a motion declaring a climate emergency, recognised that climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing communities in Clackmannanshire and agreed to develop a comprehensive Climate Change Strategy that will deliver a framework to ensure that all strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to planning decisions are in line with a shift to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. 1.2…

…. This report sets out key recommendations for climate change mitigation and adaptation and a comprehensive review of Clackmannanshire Council’s Climate Change Strategy. 2.0 Recommendations 2.1. It is recommended that Council agrees to : 2.1.1 Set a target for the Council’s own operations to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 at the latest and set interim targets leading up to 2040…


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