Including 26 related terms such as change adaptation, adaptation capability, and adaptation action.
… Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework ABERDEEN ADAPTS Building resilience and adapting to the changing climate Aberdeen’s Climate Adaptation Framework Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Contents Executive summary Introduction o…
…. POWERING ABERDEEN reducing greenhouse gas emissions ABERDEEN ADAPTS responding to the impacts of climate change Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Introduction From wetter weather to warmer temperatures the climate is changing2 and this will bring considerable new challenges for Aberdeen. This means our city will need to get ready, adjusting to the impacts and making…
…. • Protecting soil health and stability • Protecting and enhancing valued landscapes, their character and setting. • Minimising risks to people in Aberdeen and their health. • Protecting the historic environment. Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Why do we need Aberdeen Adapts? Preparing for severe weather and climate change is essential to protect Aberdeen’s people…
… was published in 2019. It includes the vision “We live in a Scotland where our built and natural places, supporting infrastructure, economy and societies are climate ready, adaptable and resilient to climate change”. Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework UK Climate Projections • UK Climate Projections provide evidence on projected changes to climate. Information from (UKCP18…
… solutions.Innovate Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Secure utilities and communications Prioritising health and wellbeing Protecting buildings and infrastructure Address climate change in the planning, build, maintenance and protection of city buildings, infrastructure and heritage. Safeguarding our natural environment Strong, healthy society…
… produced its first Climate Adaptation Strategy in 2014 and was the first Scottish signatory to the Covenant of Mayors’ Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change in October 2014. • While leading development of the Forth District Flood Risk Management Plan (2016-2022), and participating in 3 other Districts, the Council has delivered 3 flood alleviation schemes, 2 flood protection studies, 4 Surface…
… • Maintain a clear understanding of climate change risks. CA02 • Ensure the resilience of our buildings and critical infrastructure to local climate impacts. CA03 • Implement a prioritised programme of nature-based climate adaptation actions. CA04 • Encourage and support community resilience. CA05 • Build resilience into supply chains. What we have achieved so far... • Stirling Council…
… to take action • Update the Community Resilience Scheme, ensuring it is active, effective and accessible to all. • Work with businesses so they are ready for climate change impacts. 5 Council strategies underpinning this objective • Local Development Plan • Climate Adaptation Strategy • Regional Economic Strategy • Flood Risk and Surface Water Management Plans 30 Key Enabling Actions…
… returns to a Council survey. The findings revealed some striking thoughts on areas of importance: Around 90% of respondents agreed that the priority areas for action should be: reducing emissions that cause climate change adapting to be better prepared for the effects of climate change tackling the decline of animal and plant species “More imagination, more action, more people involved…
…, affordable energy for all Transport Develop a modern transport system that minimises carbon emissions, improves affordability, and provides choice for all Resource Efficiency Improve resource efficiency by cutting consumption and reducing waste Nature and Biodiversity Optimise biodiversity and increase the carbon storage potential of nature Climate Adaptation Plan and prepare for the impacts…
… Adaptation across Council processes. A preliminary Climate Adaptation Capability Assessment has been undertaken, and work continues to embed Climate Adaptation throughout Council policies and procedures. 3.16 Highlights of our Key Achievements in tackling climate change this year: • ‘East Lothian Energy’ affordable energy tariff for East Lothian residents was launched in August 2020, working…
… sources. Our Climate Change Report 2019/20 also highlights other examples of best practice by the Council in relation to governance, management and strategy, climate adaptation and procurement. 3.14 Updates on progress with the specific actions in the Climate Change Strategy Action Plan are set out in Appendix 1 of this report. 3.15 Key achievements in embedding tackling climate change…
… and updates on an annual basis. 3.2 In addition to the commitments set out in the Climate Change Strategy, the Council also has statutory Public Bodies’ Climate Change Duties as set out in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009: to contribute to the delivery of carbon emissions reduction targets, to help deliver climate adaptation, and to act sustainably. We report on these annually…
… is anticipated by early 2025. Council Officers will reflect on the considerable detail of the national Climate Change Plan update and consider the implications for our own Strategy and Action Plan. Any material implications will be reported to Cabinet in due course. Key Achievements in tackling climate change 3.8 The approval of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy was timely in a national…
… context, and has been referenced in internal policies and by external organisations over the course of this year. The Council’s Climate Change Planning and Monitoring Group, which consists of Heads of Service, Service Managers and Officers from across the Council, continues to meet to coordinate and drive forward action to reduce emissions and tackle climate change across Council Service Areas…
… concentrate on resilience and adaptation actions to address the ongoing impacts of climate change such as ‘hotter dryer summers, warmer wetter winters and increased flooding’ that we are all starting to experience. The Second Scottish Climate Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 was published in September 2019 and sets out how Scotland will prepare for the challenges of a changing climate. 4.9 Achieving…
… climate change adaptation programme, and in a way that it considers is most sustainable’. 4.5 The 2019 Act builds on the 2009 Act by setting a legally-binding “net-zero” target of all greenhouse gases by 2045 (five years before the UK, as per the recommendation of the UK Committee on Climate Change), with interim targets for reductions of at least 56% by 2020, 75% by 2030, 90% by 2040. 4.6…
… development – for young and old – with the net-zero transition. 4.12 In responding to the challenge of climate change, the Council has two fundamental responsibilities: a) The first responsibility is to deliver a comprehensive reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and climate adaptation across the Council as an organisation. As noted in the Embedding Sustainable Development Report, just as leading…
… private sector organisations have found that there is a strong business case for sustainable development in enhancing profitability and shareholder value, so there is a…
…-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/pages/6/ https…
… achieving net zero. This Climate Change Strategy covers two major aspects of climate change: Climate Change Mitigation: this section of the strategy sets out how we will reduce our emissions to reach Net Zero as soon as reasonably practicable and by 2045, and help to mitigate against further global temperature rise; and Climate Change Adaptation: climate change is already impacting upon us…
…, and we set out how we will adapt to and prepare for future changes in our climate. This will help to reduce inequalities, and enable our communities and businesses to be more resilient for the future. East Lothian Council’s Vision and Overall Aims of this strategy for responding to the Climate Emergency and tackling climate change mitigation and adaptation in East Lothian are: East Lothian…
… part of wider national and international commitments, and to prepare for the impacts of climate change. This Climate Change Strategy sets out how East Lothian Council will work in partnership with our local communities, businesses, organisations and individuals to tackle climate change. The Council will also work with its partners in the East Lothian Partnership to help achieve a reduction…
…: The international, national and local policy context; East Lothian’s geographical, spatial, population and land use context; National and East Lothian emissions reduction and climate change mitigation context; and National and East Lothian climate projections and climate change adaptation context Based on this context and to address the need to take action to achieve a net zero Council, a carbon…
… Priority Area 2: Climate Adaptation and the Natural Environment Outcome 7: East Lothian’s Communities are places encouraging a Low Carbon Lifestyle and are prepared for the effects of Climate Change East Lothian will be a place which supports and encourages the transition to a low carbon lifestyle and reduces inequalities in our communities, by promoting and raising awareness of active…
… and the off islands, protecting our homes, habitats, critical infrastructure and our water supplies. The project will also involve the development of a Climate Adaptation Action Plan for the islands, outlining what the Isles of Scilly need to do to prepare for the impacts of climate change. Climate Adaptation Scilly is just the start. As an island community we need to robustly defend our homes…
… to come. In March 2019, I was honoured to meet the children of Five Islands Academy on their Climate March to the Town Hall on St Marys. 150 local children hand delivered a petition to the Council calling for real action in the way we tackle climate change. At the time I told them we would take their concerns seriously as we believed the issue was hugely important, not just here on Scilly…
… energy efficient, the installation of electric vehicle charging points around the islands and more recently the Climate Adaptation Scilly Project. This new Action Plan will move the determination still further and place the Council as a leader by example in protecting the islands for future generations. This Climate Change Action Plan celebrates what we have already achieved since our last…
… impacting landscapes and seascapes. There is no doubt climate change is going to affect us all, it’s how we work together to address it moving forward. Image: Council of the Isles of Scilly Climate mitigation and adaptation Addressing climate change requires a dual approach; climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation. Climate change mitigation focusses on reducing our…
… capturing carbon from the atmosphere and locking it away. Climate change adaptation works in tandem with climate change mitigation measures. Although reducing carbon emissions is important, it will take many decades for emission reductions to reverse climate changes to which we’re already committed. This is why we need to adapt to the inevitable physical impacts of climate change such as sea…
… resilience to the impacts of climate change – being climate ready is also called climate change adaptation. Climate Fife recognises that our society and infrastructure is designed for a historic climate that no longer exists, and that 6 7 The terms carbon neutral and net-zero are often used interchangeably…
… climate disruption. With a coastline on three sides, climate change adaptation is a priority for Fife. Community resilience is often thought of in terms of the ability to withstand and prepare for short term shocks. However, resilience in communities isn’t just about ‘emergencies’, it’s also about longer-term challenges or stresses. These longer-term challenges often have the greatest impact…
… of which must be undertaken if runaway warming is to be avoided: Cutting emissions / decarbonisation – this is called climate change mitigation; Adapting to the physical changes of climate change – climate change adaptation; and Actively removing greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere (such as by tree- planting or direct capture of flue gases) – carbon sequestration. Fife…
… employing technologies to reduce the carbon emissions associated with that energy generation. These eight strategic themes will combine to form a single integrated plan for Fife as illustrated: 12 More information on these themes is given below: Innovation and co-ordination Business as usual is one of the biggest barriers to robust action to tackle climate change. Responding…
… energy efficient technologies. 13 Whilst not glamorous or innovative like many low carbon technologies, or futuristic like a hybrid vehicle, energy efficiency is likely to be the single most important workstream in helping Fife to tackle climate change. The Scottish Government has designated energy efficiency as a National Infrastructure Priority, the cornerstone of which is Energy…
… change adaptation and resilience in all policies • Priority 2 – Increasing the resilience of and investment in our critical infrastructure • Priority 3 – Implementing a prioritised programme of nature-based climate adaptation actions • Priority 4 – Improving monitoring and reporting 12 SECTION 3: ACTION PLAN FRAMEWORK AND DEVELOPMENT 13 Wigan Council’s Outline Climate Change Strategy…
… sustainability and conservation tend to focus on preserving our environment, resilience and adaptation will focus on protecting our people and place from the changes that will come from a changing climate. Our climate change adaptation will be centred on the process of taking actions that aim to support and enable our residents and our place to adjust to the effects of current or expected climate…
…. FOREWORD KEITH BENSON Chair of the Our Resilience and Adaptation Working Group Our climate change adaptation will be centred on the process of taking actions that aim to support and enable our residents and our place to adjust to the effects of current or expected climate change. 5 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BEIS ............................................................Business…
… the possibility that societies may encounter weather event’s that previous experience has not prepared them for. These impacts put huge pressures on the economy, society and the environment and risk affecting our ambitions to make Wigan borough a cleaner, greener place that we are proud of, and we are safe within. In the context of climate change, adaptation refers to those crucial actions or plans…
… that a community, business, household or individual will employ against a current or anticipated impact of climate change. Whereas resilience refers to the ability to recover (bounce back to the original state before the exposure to shock) from the effect of climate change. Adaptation and resilience measures can be planned or put in place spontaneously in response to a local event. Measures could…
…-development/climate-change/ Foreword 4 1 Context 5 Vision 5 About West Dunbartonshire 5 2 National and Regional Drivers 6 The legal and policy drivers 6 Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 6 Glasgow City Region - Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan 7 3 Local Context 8 Scope of Action Plan 8 Opportunities and Challenges 8 Integration 9 Local Climate Change Risk…
…, this Action Plan includes a commitment that the Council will undertake a local climate change risk and vulnerability assessment (CCRVA), with the outcomes used to shape the development of future Adaptation actions. A CCRVA1 has been conducted for the wider Glasgow area to inform the first Climate Adaptation Strategy for the GCR. Whilst the Strategy identifies relevant priorities and Flagship…
… the development of other relevant Council plans and strategies to address climate risks. Detailed information regarding how the Council plan’s to prioritise, monitor and deliver these actions is set out later in this document. Glasgow City Region - Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan Climate Ready Clyde (CRC) is a cross-sector initiative funded by the Scottish Government and 15 member…
… organisations to create a shared vision, strategy and action plan for an adapting Glasgow City Region (GCR). The Council is a key member of this initiative and assists in the development and delivery of relevant Adaptation action across the Glasgow City Region. Climate Ready Clyde developed the first Climate Adaptation Strategy & Action Plan for the GCR and was launched in June 2021, informing…
… Delivery and Monitoring 23 Governance 23 Reviewing Progress 23 CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN - TAKING ACTION FOR A NET ZERO FUTURE I am delighted to introduce West Dunbartonshire’s new Climate Change Action Plan, which sets out the immediate and longer term actions the Council will need to take to respond to the climate emergency, both in relation to reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions…
… to be developed to align with the forthcoming National Adaptation Reporting (ARP) Power 4 methodology. Workstream / Activity Measures of success By Adapt the transport system to support a resilient economy and adaptive and inclusive service provision Develop a climate adaptation plan for our transport services. Climate change risk register and action plan in place. 2024 Liaise with external…
… recording an annual shift in travel behaviour. From 2024 Provide staff driver training to enhance safety and improve fuel efficiency. Staff survey recording an annual shift in travel behaviour. Ongoing Workstream / Activity Measures of success By 3 Theme: Transport 1c Objective: Improve resilience of our transport system through climate change adaptation Measures: Measure…
… transport owners and operators to support them with preparation of climate change adaptation plans. Number of adaptation plans produced by external Warwickshire based stakeholders validated by the Council. Ongoing Review and update Council design guidelines to integrate climate resilience into the design and specification of new transport, public space and green infrastructure assets…
… and Biodiversity 5c Objective: Improve resilience of our natural habitat through climate change adaptation. Measures: Measure to be developed to align with the forthcoming National Adaptation Reporting (ARP) Power 4 methodology. Workstream / Activity Measures of success By Response Integrate climate adaptation into the criteria for selection of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) sites. Climate adaptation…
… criteria integrated. 2024 Identify areas with biodiversity and climate adaptation potential for safeguarding from development. Areas identified. 2024 Promote nature-based solutions to reduce flood risk and increase water quality. Establishment of water hub partnership group. 2025 Update tree and woodland strategy to incorporate actions to mitigate climate adaptation risks. Climate change…
… for the local carbon challenge within Portsmouth’s newspaper, The News. 33 Climate information collection Engagement and collaboration Developing or updating climate change adaptation strategy Reporting and publication Implementing the new climate change adaptation strategy 4.2 Climate change adaptation Our overarching approach to climate change adaptation will also be cyclical…
…, with continuous monitoring, reporting and engagement to adapt to Portsmouth’s changing needs. Outside of this cycle, we will also ensure climatic adaptation considerations are integrated into PCC policies and decision-making. 4.2.1 Climate information collection Understanding climate change risks is built upon understanding our current climate and how that is projected to change, and then understanding…
… ....................................................................................................................................................................18 4.Our.Approach.......................................................................................................................................................... 24 4.1 Climate change mitigation ...................................................................................................................................... 25 4.2 Climate change adaptation…
… ......................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 7 Climate change adaptation cycle .................................................................................................................34 Figure 8 Climate Change Strategy governance structure ....................................................................................... 37 Figure 9 Climate Change Strategy governance structure: stakeholders, roles…
… to tackle climate change is a priority for Portsmouth City Council and our refreshed Climate Change Strategy is the cornerstone for its delivery. To me, this is central to the way we work. The strategy highlights just a few areas where council teams, our contractors, and partners have already been delivering together to help address the climate emergency. I am grateful for all they have achieved…
… in brief 15 The UK response 18 Impacts of climate change on the UK and Norfolk 20 Our commitment to tackling climate change 23 What we can influence 24 Our strategic approach 26 Policy and strategy alignment 27 Governance and reporting 29 Funding climate action 30 Our Council’s carbon footprint 35 Norfolk’s carbon footprint 37 Focus area 1: Reduce our estate emissions 39 Focus area 2: Reduce…
… our indirect emissions 47 Focus area 3: Addressing Norfolk’s county-wide emissions 61 Focus area 4: Promoting a green economy for Norfolk 94 Focus area 5: Climate adaptation 102 Focus area 6: Ensure nature has space to recover and grow 111 Focus area 7: Engage and collaborate 118 Glossary of terms 125 05 Executive Summary It is now beyond any reasonable doubt that climate change…
… and ways of working are quickly becoming the major drivers of growth nation-wide. It is vital that we try and capture this within Norfolk. Moreover, taking steps to tackle climate change is not simply about cutting carbon. It is also about making sure we have clean air in our towns and cities, accessible green spaces to enjoy, and warm, comfortable homes to live in. In this way, our work to tackle…
… quality local services and being responsible in our use of public money towards local priorities. Taking these steps can ensure Norfolk remains a special place where current and future generations can flourish. This document sets out a strategic framework for the way Norfolk County Council is tackling climate change locally and building resilience to its effects. It sets out seven focus areas…
…/government/publications/25-year-environment-plan 12 A priority here is working effectively through the Norfolk Climate Change Partnership. This is a forum for collaboration between Norfolk’s county, borough and city local authority partners along with the Broads Authority to align efforts on tackling climate change. The partnership’s…
…, and businesses to reduce carbon emissions from their operations, including commercial waste and supporting circular economy initiatives. Climate Adaptation A1. Climate Adaptation Implement a Climate Adaptation Plan that enhances the resilience of Wiltshire Council and Wiltshire communities to climate change. Cross-cutting, enabling and empowering X1. Staff Engagement and Training Develop…
… Delivery Plan 2022-24 have been reviewed during 2024, both in terms of progress towards carbon reduction and climate adaptation outcomes and performance against the actions that the council committed to. This plan now sets out the focus for the council’s action on climate change for 2025. Whilst this plan sets out priorities for one year, it also includes medium and longer-term…
… on reducing emissions from council buildings and fleet, embedding climate considerations into council processes, understanding and reducing Scope emissions by working with council suppliers, and reviewing the councils Climate Adaptation Plan. The ‘Pathways report’3 informs interim targets and actions. Due to the actions undertaken, council emissions continue to decrease, and the same ‘areas…
… its Climate Strategy in February 2022, which sets out objectives and ‘areas of focus’ to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience to climate change for the county of Wiltshire for the period 2022 - 2027. Delivery plans were put in place in 2022 to set out the steps towards implementation of the strategy. The Carbon Neutral Council Plan 2022-24 and the Climate Strategy…
… for the impacts of climate change • Develop an Offsetting Strategy and projects to help the council offset its residual emissions, and encourage others in Wiltshire to do the same • Embedding climate considerations as business as usual for the council, including carbon literacy training • Develop a Local Area Energy Plan, including supporting community-led energy projects • Continue the council…
… of developing a system of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of climate adaptation actions. Following meetings with relevant managers and taking the findings of the Climate Change Risk Assessment4 process into account, this Action Plan has been divided into five sections, as set out below. 1 The Derbyshire Partnership Forum…
… effectively. National policy on climate change The Climate Change Act 20087 provides a legally binding framework for ensuring that the UK Government meets its commitment to tackle climate change. The Climate Change Act sets the legal policy framework for climate change adaptation through the following: 1. Conduct a 5 yearly UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) and National Action Plan (NAP…
… Climate change adaptation action plan report 22 January 2013 DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 22 JANUARY 2013 CABINET Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Strategic Director of Policy and Community Safety, and the Strategic Director for Environmental Services DERBYSHIRE CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION ACTION PLAN Purpose…
… Midlands. Key Decision No Officers Recommendations It is recommended that Cabinet: • Adopts the Adaptation Action Plan as the corporate strategy for building resilience to climate change . • Notes the continued work moving forward (with Climate East Midlands) to develop climate change adaptation indicators. David Lowe Deputy Chief Executive and Strategic Director – Policy…
… and Community Safety and Ian Stephenson Strategic Director – Environmental Services Derbyshire County Council Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan Executive Summary Welcome to the Derbyshire County Council Adaptation Action Plan. This document outlines the County Council’s strategy to adapt to future climate change and build resilience within its service delivery…
… global warming/climate change. The total emissions from the scope we have defined is 10,077 Tonnes. Activity Emissions (tCO2e) Scope 1 Gas 3,180 Scope 1 Oil 0 Scope 1 Diesel 144 Scope 2 Electricity 4,451 Scope 3 Business Travel 351 Scope 3 Staff Commute 1,988…
… climate change adaptation and mitigation issues. This will have a meidum impact and be implemented in Phase 1. · Sharing expertise and advice with our community, providing details of the Council’s commitments and encouraging behaviour change in local homes, businesses and schools. This will have a high impact and be implemented in Phase 1-3. · Working with local partners across the LCR…
… developments. This will have a high impact and be implemented in Phase 1-3. · Approaching the climate emergency with a long-term mindset, exploring ‘spend to save’ methods of climate action. This will have a high impact and be implemented in Phase 1-3. · Exploring options for local offset via climate adaptation programmers and local landscape enhancement. This will have a medium impact and be implemented…
… Sefton’s Climate Change Emergency Implementation Plan Introduction This document sets out Sefton Council’s delivery of the commitment made within our climate strategy “Sefton’s Climate Change Emergency Plan”. Sefton Council joins over 60% of UK local authorities in declaring a climate emergency…
… and a growing consensus worldwide that urgent action is needed. We will look at both the challenges and opportunities and engage with our communities to ensure we undertake actions to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change now and into the future. This work will be aligned to the delivery of the Sefton 2030 Vision and the Council’s Core Purpose with the aim of making Sefton a great place…
… Waste & Recycling Highways Public Realm and Open Spaces Local Flood Risk Management Climate Emergency Climate Change Action Plan Climate Adaptation Scilly…
… Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan Rainwater Harvesting Grants Sea Defence Works Updates St Agnes Sea Defence Proposals Bryher - Sea Defence Proposals St Martin's Sea Defence Proposals…
… Porth Hellick Sea Defence Proposals Porthloo Sea Defence Proposals Porthmellon Sea Defence Proposals Climate Adaptation Scilly FAQ Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Climate Change Summit COP26 Devon…
… In This Section Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan Rainwater Harvesting Grants Sea Defence Works Updates St Agnes Sea Defence Proposals Bryher - Sea Defence Proposals…
… In April 2019, the Council unanimously adopted a motion to declare a Climate Emergency and to achieve net zero carbon by 2030. Following the Council’s declaration of a Climate Emergency, it was recommended that the existing Climate Change Strategy needed reviewing, and a Climate Change Action Plan should be developed which was approved by Full Council in May 2022. The Climate Adaptation Scilly project…
… North Somerset Council’s matrix of influence North Somerset Council Climate Emergency Action Plan 26 1 – Become a net zero carbon council 1 NSC Corporate Plan 2020-24 Key information One of the key principles of our action plan is to become a net zero…
… it – A working method to protect our planet. No more plastic in the Severn, Wouldn’t this be just like Heaven? by Georgia Duffee “Picture This” entry Foreword Steve Bridger Leader of the council Climate change is here and will continue to affect us all, but we also all have the power to do something about it. Already in 2022, council services and the lives of our residents have been impacted…
… by record-breaking storms and record high temperatures. Three years ago, North Somerset Council declared a climate emergency and we followed this up with a Climate Emergency Strategy that commits us to addressing the causes and consequences of climate change. Our aim is to be a carbon neutral council and a carbon neutral area by 2030. In 2020, the council recognised we are also facing a nature…
… and wellbeing and to reduce the dominance of vehicles to achieve more liveable neighbourhoods and communities. As a council we need to take a leadership role locally. We need to respond, mitigate, and adapt to the impacts of inevitable climate change – not just by reducing our emissions but by being better prepared and more resilient to more frequent flooding and extreme weather events. Nationally…
… a healthier and happier place to live and work. North Somerset Council Climate Emergency Action Plan 3 Bridget Petty Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Engagement Our world is changing around us, with increasing temperatures, extreme weather and risks to property, health, wildlife habitats, and food production. I’m committed to acting on climate change because while I am scared, I…
… and produce a roadmap for its decarbonisation via cost efective retrofit investment. Capital Works Manager / Head of Environment Influence £ 4.10 Research solar ‘co-operative’ opportunities for local residents. Understand what is available and inform residents of findings via communication routes such as the Environment Bulletin and the dedicated climate change webpages Head…
… Development Influence £ 5.8 Ensure that all Neighbourhood Plans include reference to policies regarding climate change adaptation and mitigation. Continue to work with the relevant Neighbourhood Plan bodies and forums to encourage climate change policies where possible. Head of Planning and Economic Development Influence £ page 12 Low £ Medium ££ High £££ Carbon Management…
… subscribers to the email me service. Ensure that messages are balanced between the urgency of climate change vs giving hope and positive outcomes of climate mitigation measures. Explore the use of communicating messages via community groups to disseminate information. Communica- tions, Cultural and Civic Services Manager / Head of Environment Influence £ 10.7 Increase climate…
… Broxtowe Borough Council Carbon Management Action Plan 2024 - 2025 2024 - 2025 CARBON MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN Climate Change & Green Futures page 2 Low £ Medium ££ High £££ Carbon Management Action Plan 2024 - 25 THEME ONE: CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY Ref Action Target for 2024/25 Responsible Oficer Influence/ Own…
… Operation Est. CO2e Saving Cost 1.1 Measure, monitor and analyse the Council’s carbon emission data. Information will then be used to ascertain the level of CO2e saved from actions undertaken through the Climate Change and Green Futures Carbon Management Plan (CMP). Produce a comprehensive bi- annual carbon emissions report, covering both the Council’s own operational emissions…
… work around climate change, local and national Government policies, and international agreements. We look forward to the future and working with public and private sector partner organisations and companies to achieve net zero and tackling climate change together. Jenny Laing, Council Leader Foreword Aberdeen City Council I Council Climate Change Plan 2021 - 2025 3 Climate Change…
… of: - The Scottish Government emission reduction target of Net Zero by 2045 (the net-zero emission target). Climate Change (Emission Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 - Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme - Aberdeen Local Outcome Improvement Plan’s stretch outcome on addressing climate change. 1.2 Key milestones to 2025 Figure 1: key milestones diagram 2030 Review & publish revised…
…, supporting the region’s transition towards net zero. The plan includes projects under a Net Zero Carbon Public Sector category. ♦ Aberdeen Adapts, a Climate Adaptation Framework for the city was approved in December 2019 setting out goals and priority, actions to build climate resilience over the long term. ♦ The Council has entered a partnership with BP. This is exploring support for zero-carbon…
… and climate adaptation actions for Council assets and operations; These cover Buildings looking at our Council buildings and Council housing. Mobility covering our fleet and staff travel; and Other Operations including street lighting, internal waste and water management. A further 2 theme groups in leadership and Management; and Awareness and Behaviour Change are developing and implementing enabling…
… Council Climate Change Plan 2021 - 2025 Towards a Net Zero and Climate Resilient Council Aberdeen City Council I Council Climate Change Plan 2021 - 2025 2 We are committed to helping to address climate change as we want to position Aberdeen as a climate positive city while helping to lead the world on the rapid shift to net…
… environment; contribute towards climate change adaptation and resilience; strengthen the intrinsic functioning of the District’s ecosystem services and natural capital; enhance the health and wellbeing of local residents; and support economic prosperity within the District through continued environmental improvements for the benefit of current and future generations.” 5.5 Climate Adaption actions…
… The Council realises that reducing carbon emissions through either decarbonisation or biodiversity net gain is no longer enough to halt the impacts of climate change. The Climate Adaption actions selected are detailed in the District-wide actions set out to understand the risks and deliver actions around the natural environment, infrastructure, people and the built environment. These adaption…
…. ...................................................................................... 8 5.2 Indicative costs of decarbonisation actions – decarbonisation cost. .................................. 8 5.3 Co–benefits of decarbonisation actions. ........................................................................... 9 5.4 Biodiversity and Environment actions…………………………………………………….…….9 5.5 Climate Adaption actions…………………………………………………………………………9…
… Derbyshire to maximise their collective success in securing funding, support, and resource for the delivery of decarbonisation action and will utilise DCC’s links with central government to lobby for additional support for local government on this agenda and to secure investment for decarbonisation across Derbyshire. With the increasing need to accelerate action on tackling climate change, through…
… reducing County- wide emissions and the need to accelerate action on tackling climate change, the development and adoption of a joint or aligned climate change strategy has been identified as an opportunity to establish common ambitions and priorities, foster collaboration, and resource sharing, and provide consistency in delivery. 7.2 Council District-wide Service Plan Actions 2021/22…