Including 4 closely related terms such as climate change, climate change, and climate.
… Ea st le ig h Bo ro ug h C ou nc il E A S T L E I G H H O U S E Ea st le ig h Bo ro ug h C ou nc il E A S T L E I G H H O U S E Climate Change and Environmental Emergency Interim Action Plan November 2019 2 | Climate Change and Environmental Emergency Interim Action Plan | Greener Borough No Theme…
… and sustainability for operational buildings. Improve environmental performance throughout whole life cycle of operational buildings Report by end April 2020. 3 | Climate Change and Environmental Emergency Interim Action Plan | Greener Bor- ough No Theme Activity Action Impact Timescale 9 Energy Green Energy Supply All Council purchases of electricity will be “Green” renewable energy…
… emissions. Plan by April 2020. 4 | Climate Change and Environmental Emergency Interim Action Plan | Greener Borough No Theme Activity Action Impact Timescale 17 Waste Anaerobic Digestion Eastleigh is the only Council in Hampshire to collect food waste from residential properties. Currently waste is processed outside of the Borough. A business proposal will be developed for building…
… an ecological baseline for the borough. Enable the Council to measure the impact of activities. By mid 2020. 5 | Climate Change and Environmental Emergency Interim Action Plan | Greener Bor- ough No Theme Activity Action Impact Timescale 25 Ecology Produce a Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Creation of a comprehensive Biodiversity strategy and action plan which will identify…
… 2020. 28 Planning Supplementary Planning Policies Developing Council supplementary planning documents relating to biodiversity and environment net gain, efficiency of development sites, climate adaptation and strengthening the Council’s position on tree replacement planting including numbers, species and sizes of trees Policies will support Environmental and Climate mitigation…