Including 4 closely related terms such as climate change, climate change, and climate.
… target set by the Government. The recent Conference of the Parties (COP26) meeting in Glasgow in November 2021 has brought home graphically the need for wide-ranging global action to address dangerous and accelerating climate change. It provided a timely reminder of the imperative for all players across the economy to substantially raise our game. Local government - as well as national – is a key…
… emissions • Delivering our Greenbuild event, the most recent of which coincided with COP26, and • Active engagement with other regional councils and stakeholders through the Norfolk Climate Change Partnership and Net Zero East. A key priority since the Council declared the climate emergency has been measuring and understanding our own carbon footprint and then developing credible and targeted actions…
… to play a full part in the green recovery regionally. Thank you for taking the time to read this document, and we welcome your feedback. Steve Blatch Chief Executive Cllr. Nigel Lloyd Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, Climate Change & Environment 5 Table of Contents Foreword 4 1. Introduction 6 2. How NNDC is supporting climate action 10…
… 4.5 Leased buildings 26 4.6 Water 27 4.7 Council contracts 28 4.8 The Council’s own waste 29 5 The Climate Action Plan 2022-24 31 6 The wider regional challenge 35 6.1 Addressing climate adaptation 35 7 A role for us all 40 7.1 If you live in North Norfolk 41 7.2 If you visit North Norfolk 41 7.3 If you go to school in North Norfolk 42 7.4 If you run…
… the recommendations of the Climate Change Committee (CCC) for its Sixth Carbon Budget. This has resulted in a tightening of the targets for emissions reduction to a 78% cut by 2035. In the supporting papers to its report, the CCC identified a key role of Local Authorities in support of delivery of the targets. What is “Net Zero”? The UK has committed to Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The term Net…