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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including 7 closely related terms such as change adaptation, climate change, and tackle climate.

1 result

Wiltshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… on what residents and organisations can do to tackle climate change. The website will also provide progress updates on this strategy. The UK Climate Change Committee estimates that local authorities can influence one third of emissions in their area. This makes public engagement and buy-in from organisations and businesses critical to tackling the other two thirds – as well as advocating…

… to be able to cope with the impacts of climate change associated with a 2oC rise in global temperature. Our existing Climate Change Adaptation plan supports this and will be reviewed to reflect the most recent research into climate impacts and mitigation in Wiltshire. During the period of this strategy we will focus on our commitment to being carbon neutral by 2030 (meaning focussing…

…, our population is split roughly equally between urban and rural areas. The strategy for tackling climate change in Wiltshire is structured around seven delivery themes. These are presented separately, but there is a large amount of overlap between the themes. For example decisions on where we locate homes and employment (built environment) will affect travel patterns (transport…

… and risks to property, health, wildlife habitats, and food production. Climate change affects us all, but we also all have the power to do something about it. The council has acknowledged the climate emergency and committed to becoming carbon neutral as an organisation by 2030. We are taking immediate action to tackle the climate emergency rather than waiting for this strategy and its delivery…

… in place now. We also need to adapt to impacts of climate change that will be inevitable – for example by preparing for more floods and heatwaves. However, the long-term costs of adapting will be far higher if we do not act now to minimise our impact and so the short-term investment is very worthwhile. Climate change is a global problem, but the UK is well-placed to set an example…


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