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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.

1 result

South Ribble Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… actions that can be driven at a local level. Background What is climate change? Climate change is the long-term shift in average weather patterns across the world. Since the mid-1800s, humans have contributed to the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air. This causes global temperatures to rise, resulting in long- term changes to the climate. (1) Further…

… information on historic national and international climate change actions can been viewed within the Council’s Climate Emergency Strategy, and includes - In 2018 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report which advised that global warming must be limited to 1.5°C, as opposed to the previous target of 2°C. The IPCC’s review of over 6,000 sources of evidence found…

… that, with a rise of 1.5°C, there would be risks to health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security and economic growth. A rise to 2°C would be even more catastrophic. It warned that there are 12 years within which to take the serious action required to avert this crisis and avoid the worst impacts. The Climate Change Act 2008 introduced a legally binding target for the UK to reduce…

…. In addition, we need to prepare the Borough for the effects of climate change, and this need for resilience and adaptation was also considered as part of the strategy. The climate emergency strategy included a commitment to involve the residents and businesses of the Borough in the action plan process, and welcomed their involvement via a public consultation process. The consultation process…

… the 2030 target possible • Sets out actions that will be taken to: build and retrofit homes provide for clean and sustainable travel generate clean, renewable energy reduce consumption and waste support the creation of low carbon jobs • Acknowledges the local effects of climate change • Confirms our commitment to continue to work with partners and central government to enable…


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