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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including 4 closely related terms such as change adaptation, climate change, and climate change.

1 result

Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

…. PROGRESS UPDATE - No progress to date NEXT STEPS - Template and guidance document to be prepared in 2021, in advance of COP-26. 1 2 3 4 5 A&S4 Develop a Climate Change Adaptation Working Group including city organisations to identify key climate change risks and develop targeted and effective preparation, development and adaptation activities. September 2020 - March 2021 PAGE 12…

… T IMELINE: Page 13 PROGRESS UPDATE - Climate Change Adaptation Working Group established and 3 meetings held. Next meeting to be held in April…

… that we are facing now must a pivotal moment in our transition to a low carbon future. The Climate Emergency is as real as it was before the pandemic and climate change remains the chal- lenge of our generation. It is clear from the scientific evidence that the impacts of climate change are stark and accelerating in severity. These systemic climate shocks are expected to have similarly profound…

… of climate change and cold weather on public health, operational winter servicing and social care. • Priority Action A&S9 - securing funding through the Urban Tree Challenge Fund and delivering tree planting. • Priority Action A&S19 - submitting a comprehensive response to the Government's Planning White Paper including detailed rep- resentation on Net Zero issues. September 2020 - March 2021…

… and es- tablish data platform and regular updates - Incorporate data into Carbon Disclosure Platform (CDP) 2021 submission and ongo- ing disclosures to demonstrate performance against Net Zero 2030 target 1 3 4 5 2 A5 Continue to engage with all members of the city through the Climate Change Convention. Hold additional Climate Change Summits, including a Youth Summit. PROGRESS UPDATE…


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