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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including 6 closely related terms such as climate change, tackle climate, and climate change.

1 result

Ceredigion County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Councillor Alun Williams Ceredigion Council’s Member Champion for Sustainability Ceredigion’s Net Zero Carbon Action Plan This document sets out how we intend to respond to the county-wide climate emergency. It explains why we need this Net Zero Carbon Action Plan and why the 2030 target is so important to tackling climate change. The Action Plan assesses…

… Ceredigion’s current operational carbon emissions and outlines the challenges associated with this ambitious 2030 target. It sets this against the timescale of current policy, recognising that not all the solutions to tackling climate change currently exist. For the purpose of the declaration of a climate emergency, and this Action Plan, we are defining carbon neutrality as the point when we achieve…

… emergency declarations, targets and action plans (June 2019) has informed the Council’s approach. This recognises that while an emergency declaration deserves an appropriate response, a local authority cannot abandon everything else in order to tackle climate change as there are other legal duties and responsibilities to fulfil as well as locally identified priorities that it has committed…

… of medium to large scale energy generation, this needs addressing. West Wales is ideally suited for large-scale renewable and community energy generation schemes, but at present the lack of grid capacity is hindering development of these projects. It must be noted that the cost of not taking action to tackle climate change, far outweighs the cost of taking action now. This is because the impact…

… to become a net carbon-zero Authority by 2030 are yet to be available. We will need to alter our approach to tackling climate change as new policies are introduced, new funding becomes available and as society and behaviours begin to change. As a result our net-zero response will be structured in three inter-related phases between now and 2030, as illustrated in the diagram below:- CEREDIGION…


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