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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including 8 closely related terms such as change adaptation, climate change, and tackle climate.

1 result

East Lothian Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… achieving net zero. This Climate Change Strategy covers two major aspects of climate change:  Climate Change Mitigation: this section of the strategy sets out how we will reduce our emissions to reach Net Zero as soon as reasonably practicable and by 2045, and help to mitigate against further global temperature rise; and  Climate Change Adaptation: climate change is already impacting upon us…

…, and we set out how we will adapt to and prepare for future changes in our climate. This will help to reduce inequalities, and enable our communities and businesses to be more resilient for the future. East Lothian Council’s Vision and Overall Aims of this strategy for responding to the Climate Emergency and tackling climate change mitigation and adaptation in East Lothian are: East Lothian…

… part of wider national and international commitments, and to prepare for the impacts of climate change. This Climate Change Strategy sets out how East Lothian Council will work in partnership with our local communities, businesses, organisations and individuals to tackle climate change. The Council will also work with its partners in the East Lothian Partnership to help achieve a reduction…

…:  The international, national and local policy context;  East Lothian’s geographical, spatial, population and land use context;  National and East Lothian emissions reduction and climate change mitigation context; and  National and East Lothian climate projections and climate change adaptation context Based on this context and to address the need to take action to achieve a net zero Council, a carbon…

… Priority Area 2: Climate Adaptation and the Natural Environment Outcome 7: East Lothian’s Communities are places encouraging a Low Carbon Lifestyle and are prepared for the effects of Climate Change  East Lothian will be a place which supports and encourages the transition to a low carbon lifestyle and reduces inequalities in our communities, by promoting and raising awareness of active…


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