Including 10 closely related terms such as change adaptation, climate change, and tackle climate.
… iterations, we will focus on achieving best practice driven by an evidence-based approach. We will strive to include as broad a range of emission sources and physical risks as possible. Our Climate Action Plan aims to ensure that the Council makes a positive contribution by striving to be ambitious and leading by example. We will help tackle climate change, address the risks it poses, and seize…
… the opportunities presented by leading the transition to a net zero economy locally. This is one of the defining cross-Council Plans. It supports delivery of our Corporate Plan, 2020-24, and Community Plan ‘Fermanagh and Omagh 2030’. But we cannot do this alone. This Plan sets out how we will work in partnership with our stakeholders to develop the solutions needed to tackle climate change. We must build…
… to support the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (2015), The Paris Agreement on Climate Change (2015) and our obligations under the UK Climate Change Act (amended 2019). This has enshrined in law both a target of net zero emissions by 2050 and measures for climate adaptation (improved resilience). It is complementary to NI-wide efforts to reduce emissions and improve the resilience…
… of our communities and urban spaces. Crucially, this includes the Green Growth Strategy and the Northern Ireland Climate Change Adaptation Programme (2019). It also covers the landscape of policies set out by government and advice from the UK Committee on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The UK Climate Change Act (amended 2019) has enshrined in law…
… change. We will use this to support delivery of our new Climate Change and Sustainable Development Strategy and Action Plan. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing We would like to use our role as an investor to support our sustainable development goals. Working with our investment manager, NILGOSC, we will ask for a transition of our pension portfolio towards ESG factors…