Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.
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… / Climate change and sustainability Climate change and sustainability The world’s climate is changing drastically, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (external link) stating that man-made influence is the driving force behind the most recent and dramatic changes in climate. If all emissions were stopped today, we would still see some level of warming across the globe…
…. But that level of warming is dependent on what we do today. Climate change has been identified as the most substantial threat to our economy, public health, resources and infrastructure that humanity has ever seen. Acting now will ensure we are safeguarding the future, enabling us to secure the health and economic benefits from a cleaner environment, a green circular economy, healthier and more active…
… lifestyles and decreased pressure on health and care systems. Find out more about climate change (external link) What are we doing? Wigan Council declared a Climate Emergency (external link) on 17th July 2019 in a bid to acknowledge the urgency surrounding this complex and vital issue. We will display strong leadership and work collaboratively with communities…
…, partners and organisations to ensure our Council reaches the target of net zero carbon (external link) by 2038, with a strong influence to reduce the borough’s emissions. Our Outline Climate Change Strategy was adopted by Cabinet in October 2020. The plan sets out Wigan Council’s ambition and a road map as to how we will tackle these challenges together, ensuring we take advantage of the opportunities…