Including 6 closely related terms such as climate change, tackle climate, and climate change.
… and impacts of climate change we can make Redbridge a better place to live. In the last year we have seen the value and potential of developing strong resilient communities to address global problems and now is the time to galvanise that action to tackle climate change. Through acting to reduce and prevent the effects of climate change we can continue to develop resilient households, ensure…
… communities in adapting and addressing climate change. Ongoing Support schools in their ongoing work to reduce their carbon emissions and raise the importance of climate adaptation and mitigation. Ongoing Incorporate a Child-friendly approach towards addressing the climate emergency. Ongoing Background Reading Climate emergency Declaration – see point III, Page 5. Reports to the Corporate Panel…
… Climate Change Action Plan June 2021 CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN June 2021 Table of Contents Foreword from the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Environment and Civic Pride 3 Background to the Climate Emergency in Redbridge 4 What does the Climate Emergency mean for Redbridge? 6 Redbridge Borough Emissions 8…
… Council’s Emissions 9 Journey to Carbon Neutral 2030 10 Property and Energy 12 Cleaner Journeys 18 Waste 21 Procurement and Investments 23 Enabling Others 24 Background Reading 25 Appendix A: Glossary of Terms 26 Page CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN | June 2021 p2 CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN | June 2021 p3 Foreword from the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Environment and Civic…
… Pride Our Climate Emergency declaration and this action plan represent a commitment to act on the causes and impacts of climate change. We recognise that without taking action, we are likely to see hotter, drier summers and milder, wetter winters. Which in turn will lead to biodiversity and public health impacts directly affecting Redbridge residents. By taking action against the causes…